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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bomb Tree

Doug was watching an action movie with a lot of bad language in it. Wyatt was watching too, but I didn't think he was really catching it. When we left to go to bed, I mentioned I didn't like the movie because the guys say lots of bad words, Wyatt said "It ok. They kill all the guys who say f**king s**t". I almost fell down. I guess he was paying attention and we need to be more careful. Yikes.

Wyatt: "I had a dream about yittle rabbits." Me: "Awww. How cute!" Wyatt: "Them was zombie rabbits. Them eat cats." .... YIKES, not so cute!
Wyatt: "Orange is my favowite color, because it's red starting to be pink."

We were reading a book tonight, in which there is an apple tree. On one page, a dog is standing near the tree holding an apple. Wyatt ALWAYS says "That dog is holding a bomb." Tonight I sighed and said "Look, Wyatt. It's an apple tree. The dog is holding an apple that fell from the apple tree." He pointed at the tree and said "No, that's a bomb tree." LOL

I asked Wyatt to go see if any of our cats were under the bed. He came back with this report: "No cats under the bed! Just poop and a grilled cheese sandwich!" ?????

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Wyatt, pointing to a bulldozer in a book: "I want to dwive the doz-ah" Me, gently correcting: "Bulldozer." Wyatt, trying again, pointing: "I want to dwive the bull-oze" Me, gently correcting again: "Bulldozer." Wyatt points again: "I want to dwive... THAT!" LOLOL

Wyatt: "My pee pee hurts!"
Me: (in worried mom mode) "Oh no. Nobody has been touching or messing with your pee pee, have they?"
Wyatt: "Well (pause) I been messing with it a yot."