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Monday, August 30, 2010

A french fry in the eye

We were reading a book called "Little Critter's Day". The main character is this especially sloppy little monster-boy, and on one of the pages, he is helping his little sister with her dinner, covered in whatever she's eating.

Me: "Oh my! I never noticed before but he has it on his EYEBALL!"
Wyatt: "Is it Cream of Wheat?"
Me: "It looks like Cream of Wheat."
Wyatt: "I fink it oatmeal."
Me: "Well, whether it is Cream of Wheat or oatmeal, I wouldn't want it on my eyeball!"
Wyatt: "Or a french fry. Dat would kinda suck."

!!!!! (LOLOLOLOL!!!!)

(Yeh, that's probably something I say. Bad mama.)


Friday, August 27, 2010

Conversations with Wyatt

Wyatt, from backseat in car: "I want to see put his foot in water."
Me: "What? Foot in water?"
Wyatt: "No! Foot in water-meh-yon"
Me: "Foot in a watermelon?"
Wyatt: "Yes!"
Me: "Who do you want to put his foot in a watermelon?"
Wyatt: "A snake!"
Me: (blink) "You are aware, aren't you, that snakes don't have feet?"
Wyatt: "Yes them do!"

Wyatt, from backseat in car: "I want to pet a skunk."
Me: "Well, you can pet skunks if they have been fixed so they don't stink."
Wyatt: "No, I want pet one that stinks!"

Wyatt: "I want to pet a dolphin!"

Wyatt: "I want to catch a baby yizard."

Wyatt, touching my necklace: "I yike that big fower (flower). I yike that baby fower too."

His newest way to answer a question: "Yes, I'm are!"


Friday, August 6, 2010

The whole wide world

Me: "I love you more than anything in the whole wide world!"

Wyatt: (repeating in a slow contemplative tone) "The whoooooooooole.... wiiiiiide... world"
(pause)... then in a normal voice:
"I don't know what that means."

