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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Giving yourself PIO shots...


I had my first one on Friday, and DH did it, which wasn't too bad. Right before he did it, I was panicked and kept saying "I'm scared! I'm scared!" Then he said "I already did it." "Oh. That wasn't so bad. Ok, so push in the plunger slowly to let the PIO out." "I already did that too."

DH had to go up north to work on our house this weekend so I had to give myself shots. Looking at that huge needle and trying to push it into yourself is not easy.

BTW I did it by getting naked, sitting on the bathroom vanity, making sure all the weight was on the leg on the floor, and turning my hip toward the mirror. I have read where people were able to do it just turning around and looking, but my (o)(o) are too much in the way, so I had to use the mirror.

While it worked well, I had panic attacks and had to talk myself down both mornings before I was able to do it. Today, I had to line the needle up, then look away and push! I also had one tiny experimental poke that caused a lot of blood before I got to the real one.

I really look forward to DH being back tonight so he can take over!!! And of course, tomorrow is the big ET day so I am glad I don't have to have a panic attack tomorrow. A nice calm uterus. Yes.

Of course, I got a bruise my first time, and now, after DAY 3, my hips are already black and blue!

Anyway, thanks for listening to my PIO rant. You ladies who have been doing it for weeks and weeks are brave women. It just goes to show what we will go through in order to make our dream come true.

I posted a shorter version of this in the IVF/High Tech forum then realized it should be a blog entry.


Saturday, July 29, 2006

11 embryos

Egg retrieval was yesterday. I wrote a card for the donor thanking her... that was an interesting experience. It made it so real putting all my thoughts into words and realizing what she did for us.

If the situation was reversed, I don't think I could donate my eggs. Yet she did it. I just think it is amazingly generous!

So they retrieved 21 eggs. I got the call a couple of hours ago that 17 of those were mature and 11 fertilized.

Right now, across town, we have 11 little embryos growing!

This is the first time I have gotten this far in the process, and it feels like the night before Christmas. I am so excited and have butterflies and life is just rich with hope and possibilities!

If all goes well on Monday I will be pregnant for the first time in my 38 years. That thought is so overwhelming!!!!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Sitting at work, trying to care

It isn't that I dislike my job. I like it. I really do.

It's just that I don't CARE right now.

I want to think about babies.

Not brochures and websites and mailing lists.

So I am sitting here with a Lupron headache and restless feet and am trying so hard to concentrate on getting marketing materials out. But it isn't easy.

At the end of this month, my uterus should have embryos in it for the first time ever. THAT is an exciting and terrifying thought!

More later... I'm going to try to get some work done. Sigh.
