Welcome to my world...


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wyatt goes to a rave

This was actually at my niece's Sweet 16 party. A friend of hers is a DJ so they made a rave out of it.
Wyatt watched the teenagers dancing and jumping around for approximately 2 seconds before he decided he wanted to be part of it. LOL.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Poop and baseball

Wyatt has this little stuffed bunny, named Bunny Rabbit (original, I know), that he sleeps with.

Wyatt: "I want to see Bunny Wabbit tawk."

Me: "That would be cool. What do you think Bunny Rabbit would talk about?"

Wyatt: "Poop."

Me: "Oh no. I don't need to hear more about poop!"

Wyatt: "Poop... and baseball."

LOL (Great, a rabbit who'll discuss batting averages and roughage!)

Me: "Poop AND baseball?"

Wyatt: "Yes. And you."

Me: "He's going to talk about me?"

Wyatt: "Yes. You."




Monday, September 27, 2010


DH was sitting on me on the bed. Wyatt was next to us.

DH: "Wyatt, can I sit on YOUR belly?"

Wyatt: "No, you can't sit on my bew-wy. It too small and cute."



Friday, September 24, 2010

Climbing a mountain

Wyatt keeps saying he wants to climb this small mountain by our house. I keep telling him we will do it when it cools off.

So we were driving home and he said "I want to cimb up dat mountain."

Me: "We will when it cools off."

Wyatt: "I want to cimb up with Gamma and Gampa."

Me: "I don't think Grandma and Grandpa want to climb a mountain."

Wyatt ponders for a moment, then says in the sweetest voice:

"I will hold dem's hands."



Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Wyatt and I are looking at his jammies, which feature a dog riding a skateboard (I seriously think they are out of ideas!)

Wyatt: "Some kids ride skateboards too."

Me: "Yes, they do. Do you want to ride a skateboard?"

Wyatt: "No, I don't yike skateboards."

Me: "What do you want to ride?"

Wyatt: (pause, then with great excitement): "I want to ride a MONKEY!"



Thursday, September 9, 2010


Wyatt has this little Alvin chipmunk that says "HELLO GORGEOUS!" when you push his head.

Wyatt was pushing it really fast, and then he said "Mom, he say 'hell' 'hell' 'hell'!"

"Yeah", I responded, trying to downplay any excitement over the cussing chipmunk.

Then Wyatt yelled "WHAT THE HELL!!!!"



Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Wyatt is doing something silly.

I tell him: "You're loco!"

He looks at me with a blank stare.

Me: "Do you know what loco means? It means CRAAAAAAAAZY!"

Wyatt: (pauses a moment) "It mean ri-dic-u-yus!"

Yep, sorta. Good call from a 3 year old.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Skunk Creek

We drive home over a bridge that is labeled "Skunk Creek". They've paved the creek bed where the freeway goes over, so looking down, it just looks like concrete. Wyatt always asks if there are any rocks in there, so the other day was no different...

Wyatt: Is that Skunk Creek up dere?"
Me: "Yep, it sure is!"
Wyatt: "Do it have rocks in dere?"
Me: (looking down) "Nope, no rocks!"
Wyatt: "What dey do wif dem?"
Me: "I guess they scooped them up and moved them."
Wyatt ponders in silence for a few moments.
Wyatt: "So dey haf to walk on de sidewalk?"
Me: ??? "Who?"
Wyatt: "The SKUNKS!"

LOLOLOLOL! I guess it is only common sense that skunks would be in Skunk Creek, right?
