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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wyatt words

I just like to do this every once in a while to record memories.

Dees = Daisy the dog
Meemee = Grammy
Puh-puh = purple (the first color he learned! He now also says "onge" (orange) but still won't say easy ones like blue and red.
Meen-it = Blanket
Nan-neet = Cat treats
Li li li li li - Light. No idea why he says it a bunch of times.
Weet! Weet! = Cream of Wheat
Sucka!!!!! (said with gravelly gusto!) = lollipop
Mip = Milk
Awwww-bum! = awesome
Moke = smoke, which he is obsessed with. Water mist, clouds, car tailpipes are all "moke".
Pop! = The Very Hungry Caterpillar book
Butt-butt = butt. No idea why this is a two-part word. He likes to point out butts on cats, dogs, and people though.
Peeeee-EWWWW! = when something smells. As in (sniffing blanket) "Peee-ewww! Wash! Wash!" (putting it in laundry basket)
Oof! Oof! = sees a dog
Pssssssssssssssssssssssss (brake noise) = sees a bus
Whhhhhhhhhhhhhh = hears air conditioning noise
He's big on sound effects and copies whistles.
Gas = any type of tank or cover to underground gas, water, electric, etc.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Instead of a loud cry in the morning, I was woken by:

"Mama! Mama! Maaaaaaamaaaaaaa!"


Wyatt words

Just for the sake of remembering:

Days (Daisy the dog)
Momo (Eskimo the cat)
Nendy! Nendy! (Candy!)
SUCKA!!!!! (lollipop)
Bankit (blanket)
Tim (uncle Tim)
Baby (cousin Aidan or anytime he sees a stroller or car seat)
Ice (ice, or any cold drink)
Tea! Tea! (any drink)
Coke! (our neighbor gave him a glass bottle of Mexicoke, and he LOVED it and says Coke every time we walk by the neighbor's house)
Meemee (Grammy)
Brana! (cousin Briana)
Bahf (barf) and poop (still obsessed over these!)
Eye, knee, elbow, teeth, mouf (mouth)
Feet (used for feet and for when he wants shoes on his feet)
zhuuus (shoes)
tocks (socks)
Tink dooooo (thank you - used for thanking as well as when he hands something to you)
Peeeeeeeeeees (please)
Mon! Mon! (C'mon!)
Go! Go!
Up! Up!
Li li li li (light)
On, off
Many words for YES: Yes, yeh, mmm-hmmm, 'kay, Uh-huh
NO!!!!! (just started answering all questions this way. LOL)
Cack-cack (means both "cracker" and "Chapstick" - if you ask him which, he will make the motion of putting Chapstick on if that's what he means)
Honk and keys (both used for keys - my keys have a button that causes the car to honk)
Gas (pointing to door to gas cap)
Push (when he wants to swing)
What the?!?!?!?! (so funny!)
Wyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (when I say "Wyatt!")
Ow, ouch, and a funny breathing noise that means he has an owie
Pee (starting to say it when he pees!)
Wash (used when at a restaurant and he wants to go, because washing his hands and face is the last thing we do.) He also sniffed his blanket, said "Peeeee-EWWW!", got out of bed, walked over to the laundry basket, deposited the blanket in it, and said "Wash! Wash!" LOL
Bome (phone or remote)
Ome! Ome! (home, when he wants to go home)
Cuu-wad (quad/atv)
Watch, said perfectly! Easy to distinguish from wash.
Pee-wee (the cat)
Eat! Eat! (when hungry)
Pop! (the Very Hungry Caterpillar)
Hush (Goodnight Moon - although I read "...and a quiet old lady whispering..." and he answered "POP!" LOL
Woof, woof!
eye-eee (Ivy, the neighbor's dog)

There's probably lots more. I just want to remember what I can.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Creepy incident !

Every night, Wyatt and I go for a "walk" before dinner and bath time. It's usually around 8PM or so. Tonight, we were walking (which really means Wyatt cruises around everyone's yards messing up their landscaping LOL) and we were 2 houses west of ours when an older pickup truck headed toward us.

Now our street is super busy, so a truck coming at us isn't a big deal.

But this particular truck was driving west on the wrong side of the street (the side WE were on!), right up next to the gutter. AND its engine and lights cut off right next to our house. It continued to coast toward where Wyatt and I were with the engine cut off, and my "somethin' ain't right" alarm started going off. I scooped Wyatt up and kept watching, ready to run if anything started going down.

At this point I still thought maybe it was a friend of the guy who lives at the house we were at stopping by in an odd way. But the driver just sat in the truck. So I wanted out of there.

I had to walk right by the truck to get back to my house. So I walked by and said "Are you having car trouble?", figuring I'd at least let him know I see him if he is up to no good. I was so scared walking by that truck - scared that he had a gun or would try to grab Wyatt. There was a very skanky looking girl in there with him.

He answered "Yeh, we're out of gas."

I said "Oh man, that sucks" and kept walking. He stayed in his truck parked there. I kept walking and went PAST our house, not wanting him to see where we live. Then when I got to the dark area past our house, I cut into the yard.

When we went out of sight, he started the truck and left!

I thought he was out of gas!

Anyway, something DEFINITELY was up. Not sure if we were part of it, or if we just happened to be there, but now I am freaking out a little and am going to be scared to go to sleep.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

The way its meant to be isn't always the way you wanted it to be

To my infertile friends.

I want to let you know I know exactly how you feel. It sucks when your body doesn't do what it was designed to do, and you just feel like a failure and wonder why everything has to be so hard for you when it comes to others so easily.

You are scared it will work and you are scared it won't work. You are scared it will work and you'll lose the pg. You are scared of multis. You are scared you'll go through all the shots and pain and still have nothing to show.

I started on clomid after trying for about a year. Then found I had blocked tubes. Then when we tried IVF, found that my ovaries are so high, they had to cancel the cycle because they couldn't get to the eggs. I had a diagnostic lap, and I had so much scar tissue that they couldn't move the ovaries back down or unblock my tubes (I hear Toni Braxton in my head... "Unblock my tuuuuubes, say you'll love me agaaaaain"). So after visiting several REs to see if anyone could do a laparoscopic retrieval on me (they can't!) I was forced to go with donor eggs.

I ended up getting pg in late 2006 with twins, then lost one in early 2007. After dreaming of a natural vaginal birth, I ended up with severe pre-eclampsia, a c-section, and a 31 week preemie. After dreaming of breast feeding, I ended up with a baby who absolutely refused and I had to pump for 6 months.

So nothing worked out like it was supposed to, and yet everything worked out like it was supposed to. I have my son, who is perfect and meant for me. He is the baby I was supposed to have and he got to me the way he was supposed to get to me. NOTHING happened the way I dreamed, but looking back I know it all happened exactly how it was supposed to.

Since then, I found myself miraculously naturally pg just to discover it was ectopic, which ruptured, which resulted in another full surgery to repair. It never ends! And the pain and longing for the 2nd child, while not the same as before the 1st, is just as real and horrible.

So you have to let it go. You have to take it one day at a time and one step at a time. You can't let the "what if"s rule your mind. You can't worry about things that are out of your control.

And there are some things you have to accept. Other people WILL be pg, and you WILL be angry and hurt by it. That's ok.

You may have to go further down the path to your child than you thought you might have to go, and the path may be dark and scary and overgrown and you may be walking it all alone while the rest of the world is a mile back enjoying a picnic at the lake with their stupid laughing happy children, but you have to remember that your child is at the end of that path and keep walking forward. One step at a time. One breath at a time. One shot at a time. Just keep going forward.

Hugs to you. I hope you find support, and most of all, I hope this cycle is it for you and you get to go back to the picnic with your child, who will be cuter than all those other brats.