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Monday, January 26, 2009

Blowing out candles

It's so cute how he does it too... real fast breathing with his mouth in a little "o" until he gets lucky and the candle goes out LOL. I want to get that on video.

Tonight, he was so funny. He didn't want to go to sleep, and instead went into giggle fits about everything. I dripped the bottle on his face and he laughed uncontrollably. He bonked his head on the wall, and thought it was so funny, he did it over and over while cracking up. I touched his cheek and he dissolved into laughter. It was something else. He also does this thing when he is really really happy where he puts his arms out in front of him and makes a "pttth" kinda noise while he's laughing. It is hard to describe, but makes me laugh too.

He also said another new word Friday: "Kick". When my mom was trying to take his pants off to change his diaper, he kicked his legs and said "Kick, kick kick!" Then he walked up to her later and kicked her, saying "Kick!" LOL. I wasn't there for that and he hasn't said it for me.

We are working on the throwing behavior. I figured out today that if I really reinforce not throwing by giving him an alternate action, it works most of the time. He was chewing on his toothbrush in the bath, and normally he throws it out of the tub when he is done with it. I kept saying "When you are through, give it to Mommy and I'll put it away." over and over. So when he was through, he handed it to me! Wow, finally. Then at dinner, he always throws his sippy cup, and I kept saying "When you are done, set it down nice right here." and he did. Of course, he threw his puffs and still threw a few things tonight, but it's better. I'm gonna keep working on it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Another new word

Tonight he said "Oh wow". Well, I guess that's two words, right? He said it probably 15 times. And every time I'd say "Oh wow", he'd repeat it right back to me. So cute!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New words

All of a sudden, he is doing a lot of experimenting with words.

I posted this in the forward-facing carseat thread, but the other day, he pointed at a motorcycle and said "ss-er-cy-ca". When I looked at what he was pointing at, it was OBVIOUS he was saying motorcycle.

Then last night in his bath, one of the cats made a loud noise in the other room, and he whipped his head around and said "WHAT?!" It was so funny.

Then today at storytime, he kept trying to crawl on the little stage to get the bubbles for the end of the storytime. I said "What are you trying to get?" And he said "Bubba!"

Lastly, tonight I sat on the edge of the tub with him on my lap to get him undressed for his bath. I instructed him "Up! Up! Up!" so he'd put his arms up so I could take his shirt off. After his was off, he grabbed my shirt and said "Up! Up! Up!" LOL... I said "Do you want me to take a bath with you?" (which I never do) and he made his "uh! uh!" yes-noise. So I hopped in there with him. How could I say no?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Throwing things

Wyatt has taken to kissing his glow worm... loudly. Well, tonight, he was kissing Glowy and I said "Why do you kiss Glowy but you won't give Mommy a kiss?" He smiled and fell over on me and gave me a big loud smack. LOL!!!

Yesterday, we were driving to the in-laws' house, and I was in the back with Wyatt playing "Can you say Daddy?" "Can you say 'uh-oh'"? All of a sudden, DH starts drifting into another lane and I said "Can you say 'AIIIIIIII! We're all gonna die!??!?!?" and Wyatt threw his arms in the air and yelled "AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" just like I did. We were laughing so hard!

He has also started doing this really funny fake laugh... it's kinda like a machine gun laugh, real fast "huh-huh-huh". I should try to get that on video or at least recorded somehow. It is so cute.

The last few nights, he has gotten to where it takes FOREVER for him to fall asleep. My rule is that he has to lie down, even if he isn't sleeping yet. So tonight, he was face down with his butt in the air in his bed, just giggling and smiling at me. He started nodding, and I said "Awww, do you love Mommy?" And he grinned bigger and did this real slow nod. So sweet.

He has one REALLY annoying habit. Throwing things! When he is in the tub, he throws all his toys out onto the floor. When he sees a cup or water bottle on the table, he HAS to slap it off. It drives me insane. I keep telling him NO, and trying to redirect, like in the tub I say "Don't throw it on the floor - can you put it in here?" (pointing to his little toy bin). It doesn't work. He thinks it is funny. I don't know what to do about it. ???

That's all for now!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Blowing kisses and throwing up

Man, putting Wyatt to bed tonight was horrible. He is sick and threw up TWICE! It took an hour and a half to get him to sleep!!!!

Anyway, so he has started blowing kisses. And it is REALLY cute. I will try to get it on video, but you know how they won't do anything if the camera is on. He was playing with Glowy, his Glow worm tonight, and started kissing him. Loudly. It was so cute. And I said "Can I give Glowy a kiss?" and he handed Glowy up to me so I could kiss him. Then he pulled Glowy back to him and kept kissing him. LOL.

The next story requires a little background. We have always used a sign to signal when Wyatt is full and done with food. It is an arms crossed over your food gesture, like what you would do over your plate if someone who spoke a different language was trying to give you a second helping you didn't want. LOL. Anyway, my mom does it differently. She sings this "Is your little belly full" song and dances to it while she sings. So Wyatt's "all done" gesture has morphed into a full upper-body twist, with arms in front of him. It's REALLY cute and funny. He does it with a LOT of gusto.

So tonight, I am putting him to sleep. He keeps coughing, and I keep cringing, wondering which cough is going to turn into vomit. Sure enough, he sits up and throws up all over my arm and chest. I sigh and say in my exasperated voice "Are you DONE?" He looks at me, and then does the "all done" upper body twist gesture. I cracked up laughing. It was so funny.

The next part is NOT so funny. After a nightgown change for me, and a blankie change for Wyatt, I finally got him to sleep and transferred him into his crib. He instantly woke up and vomited again! So I had to change his sheet and give him a THIRD blanket for the night. This is after he threw up last night and I had to change everything. I REALLY hate vomit.

What else? Wyatt is waving at everyone he sees. It is really cute, and he'll keep waving until they either see him and wave back, or until they move out of sight.

He is also saying a new word. It sounds like "Duuuh", in the way you'd say it if someone says something really stupid. I have NO IDEA what it means though.

Oh, and he was pointing to his bottle saying "luttleluttle". And I said "Bottle?" and he made his yes "Uh! Uh!" noise and confirmed "luttleluttle". So I guess "luttleluttle" is bottle in Wyatt-speak. ??

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First haircut

I'll start with the haircut pics!

Here's his hair "done" with my serum before the haircut. This is what I normally did with his curls to keep him from looking frizzy.

Here he is right before the haircut, calmly enjoying his lollipop.

"What is she DOING to me?!"

Hey, that's better!

"Where's all my hair?!"

I think it looks MUCH better and am glad I had it done. I was wondering if he was really ready for a haircut, but it made a huge difference.