Me: "You're cute! Am I cute?"
Wyatt: (shakes head NO)
Me: Hey! I'm cute!
Wyatt: "You not cute! You big!"
Me: "Hmph! I am too cute!"
Wyatt: :No, you not cute." (ponder) "How?"
Me: "How what?"
Wyatt: "How you gonna get cute?"
Then he kept asking me over and over how I'm gonna get cute.
Welcome to my world...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
You make me funny!
Wyatt has been obsessed with shooting games. I told him he wasn't going to play a game he wanted to play because I don't want him playing games about killing people.
He said "They aren't people! They bazombies!"
Later when putting him to bed, I was singing his songs to him. He started laughing uncontrollably, and saying "HONK!" I said "HONK!!!" back and he kept laughing. "You funny", he said, giggling. "You make me funny!!!"
Then I said "Wyatt you need to calm down so you can go to sleep."
He said "But I waughing!"
He said "They aren't people! They bazombies!"
Later when putting him to bed, I was singing his songs to him. He started laughing uncontrollably, and saying "HONK!" I said "HONK!!!" back and he kept laughing. "You funny", he said, giggling. "You make me funny!!!"
Then I said "Wyatt you need to calm down so you can go to sleep."
He said "But I waughing!"
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas list
Wyatt wants:
A video game (if you ask him what kind, he says "a shooting game"... sigh)
A sword so he can kill bad guys and monsters
A soft teddy bear
He's really into shooting and swords right now, to the point that it is annoying! We have lots of conversations about how killing people is bad, and how it isn't so easy to group people into "good guys" or "bad guys".
I assume this is normal stuff, but man... I do a lot of redirection trying to get his focus on other things!
We went to sit on Santa's lap on Sunday and Wyatt actually talked to him and told him what he wanted! I was shocked because Wyatt clams up around strangers.
When we were at home, Wyatt was pondering something, then asked me "How is Santa going to get in our house?" (We don't have a chimney.) Uhhhhhhhhhh.... uhhh.... "We'll leave a door unlocked for him."
LOL. Took me a minute to come up with that one.
We've been having so much fun lately. Just giggling together at the silliest things. He already shares a lot of my sense of humor, and I am loving it!
A video game (if you ask him what kind, he says "a shooting game"... sigh)
A sword so he can kill bad guys and monsters
A soft teddy bear
He's really into shooting and swords right now, to the point that it is annoying! We have lots of conversations about how killing people is bad, and how it isn't so easy to group people into "good guys" or "bad guys".
I assume this is normal stuff, but man... I do a lot of redirection trying to get his focus on other things!
We went to sit on Santa's lap on Sunday and Wyatt actually talked to him and told him what he wanted! I was shocked because Wyatt clams up around strangers.
When we were at home, Wyatt was pondering something, then asked me "How is Santa going to get in our house?" (We don't have a chimney.) Uhhhhhhhhhh.... uhhh.... "We'll leave a door unlocked for him."
LOL. Took me a minute to come up with that one.
We've been having so much fun lately. Just giggling together at the silliest things. He already shares a lot of my sense of humor, and I am loving it!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The funninest
Me: (singing) "'ll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."
Wyatt: (in panicked voice): Why!!!???? Why take sunshine away?!"
I tried explaining: "The song is about loving someone so much you just don't want them to ever leave."
Wyatt: (pondering, then...) "He haf to go somewhere? Do he haf to go to the airport?"
My mom said "Wyatt, please take a bite of your food!"
Wyatt: "My mouth is tired."
Wyatt: "You're funny, Mommy."
Me: "No, YOU are funny!"
Wyatt: "No, you the funninest!"
Wyatt: (in panicked voice): Why!!!???? Why take sunshine away?!"
I tried explaining: "The song is about loving someone so much you just don't want them to ever leave."
Wyatt: (pondering, then...) "He haf to go somewhere? Do he haf to go to the airport?"
My mom said "Wyatt, please take a bite of your food!"
Wyatt: "My mouth is tired."
Wyatt: "You're funny, Mommy."
Me: "No, YOU are funny!"
Wyatt: "No, you the funninest!"
Monday, November 22, 2010
Three bucks
We were reading "Magenta Gets Glasses". At one point, Magenta hopes the eye doctor is nice.
Wyatt: "I hope he's MEAN!"
Me: "Why? You want Magenta to get shots?"
Wyatt: "Yes. She yike shots."
Me: "She likes getting shots?"
Wyatt: "Yes. She got dem before. Dey were three bucks."
Then... we were reading this horribly grammatically incorrect Cookie Monster book, where he constantly says "Me like food."
I asked Wyatt if he knew what these were, and pointed to the peas.
He didn't know.
I said "Those are PEAS."
He cracked up laughing. "PEE??????"
Then kept saying pee over and over, and I kept saying "Not PEE, PEAS!" over and over. We were both laughing so hard. :)
Wyatt: "I hope he's MEAN!"
Me: "Why? You want Magenta to get shots?"
Wyatt: "Yes. She yike shots."
Me: "She likes getting shots?"
Wyatt: "Yes. She got dem before. Dey were three bucks."
Then... we were reading this horribly grammatically incorrect Cookie Monster book, where he constantly says "Me like food."
I asked Wyatt if he knew what these were, and pointed to the peas.
He didn't know.
I said "Those are PEAS."
He cracked up laughing. "PEE??????"
Then kept saying pee over and over, and I kept saying "Not PEE, PEAS!" over and over. We were both laughing so hard. :)
Wyatt and I were wrestling around and roughhousing.
Suddenly he yelled in a LOUD voice: "YOU'RE A ZIPPER!!!"
"A zipper?" I asked. "Does that even make sense?"
He replied in the same loud yelling voice: "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Suddenly he yelled in a LOUD voice: "YOU'RE A ZIPPER!!!"
"A zipper?" I asked. "Does that even make sense?"
He replied in the same loud yelling voice: "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Friday, November 19, 2010
Cookie Monster
We were reading a book about Cookie Monster.
Cookie Monster says "When me drink milk, me think about cookies. And when me think about cookies, me WANT COOKIES!"
Wyatt: "I want cookies! I want to be a cookie monster!!!"
Wyatt: "I have to be a baby cookie monster, 'cause I'm yittle."
Cookie Monster says "When me drink milk, me think about cookies. And when me think about cookies, me WANT COOKIES!"
Wyatt: "I want cookies! I want to be a cookie monster!!!"
Wyatt: "I have to be a baby cookie monster, 'cause I'm yittle."
A note to a woman who has just been told she should consider donor eggs...
This was a response to a post on a message board from a woman who was devastated about not having the option of a biological child...
I can only speak for myself, but I certainly can't imagine loving ANY child more than I do my son.
I remember having all the same feelings you are currently having. Fear of the unknown. Uncertainty about the whole process. Frustration at the LACK OF CONTROL!!!! Anger at my stupid body. Anger at my life leading to being so old when I finally tried to have a baby. Anger at doctors for not figuring it out earlier. Mad that I would never have a baby with my family's chin and my inherited intelligence and artistic abilities.
I went forward with DE because it was my only choice, if I wanted to experience pregnancy and birth.
But I wasn't excited about it.
I was scared. And mad. And deflated.
We chose a donor. At the time, it was a daunting decision. I tried to choose someone similar enough to me that she could have been in my family. I tried to choose someone who was smart and witty and a good person. We finally chose her, and I felt good about it, but still nervous and not fully invested.
We went to the RE's office for DH to do his part. I brought a card and small gift for the donor, feeling that it was inadequate, but necessary. The note I wrote made DH cry.
Instead of having egg retrieval, I was in the room with DH "helping" him while the egg donor was in the retrieval room. We think we saw the person who brought the donor to the clinic sitting in the waiting room. I wonder if he knew who we were. If he judged us. If he was concerned that his friend/girlfriend/sister/whoever's egg was going to a fat old couple.
Then we went home. We waited. We got news that 22 eggs were retrieved, and 15 were fertilized and growing.
I went in for transfer, and it was different now. The embryos were no longer "hers". They were MINE. I felt it. I was excited again.
I bonded with the embryos immediately, and sang to them and begged and willed them to stick.
I got a BFN.
I was devastated. Why didn't those embies feel I would be a good enough mommy? Why was I not deserving of a child?
Fast forward 2 months. FET 1. I was hopeful but not as excited. If a fresh cycle didn't work, how would an FET work?
I got a BFP.
I was over the moon. 2 heartbeats. Tiny flickers on the screen as Dh and I watched with tears. Twins. Then we lost one.
20 week ultrasound. Strong heartbeat. Tiny legs kicking the wand away. Thumb sucking. A penis!
I felt the baby, first as a flutter, then as a strange rolling sensation, as if a bowling ball was turning inside me. He reacted to my singing. He reacted to Dr. Pepper. I put my hand on my tummy and was full of awe and joy and fear... but not one thought of feeling disconnected from this life growing inside me. I had never felt so connected to anyone or anything in my life.
A scary birth, followed by a wheelchair visit to the NICU. I touched his face. I held his tiny, tiny foot. I was in love.
4 weeks of visiting him, fighting to be the one to make decisions, holding his foot through a hole in a plastic box while a blue light shined on his tiny naked body.
Then he was home. Sleeping on my chest. Sleeping on the couch next to me. Then smiling! Then laughing! Then saying "Ma-ma." Then saying "yuv you." Then saying "Sweet dreams, Mommy. I yuv you too, Mommy."
Nope. Not one second of regret. Not one second of feeling that he isn't "mine". Not one second of feeling as if I adopted someone else's child. He has taken on my sense of humor to the point where DH rolls his eyes at both of us, and Wyatt and I look at each other and giggle. We are a secret club, my son and I.
As far as having my intelligence, my artistic abilities, my chin? Well, there's no guarantee of any of that stuff anyway. My sister's bio son is a science geek who couldn't be more different than my artsy sister. And he looks NOTHING like her.
Wyatt is who he is. And he's MINE. My son. Nobody else's. Well... ok, he's DH's. But their relationship is different than ours. Me and Wyatt... well, we are a special twosome, going through adventures and "vestigations" together, and sharing hugs, kisses, and just hilarious conversations.
You are at the scary part. All the uncertainty and fear and anger and grief. I remember well. But you have nothing to fear. You'll feel your baby grow inside you. You'll feel love you've never felt before. You will soon know what it is like to know you'd die for someone else, and would walk through fire to protect them.
I won't say it isn't like adoption, because I think that is selling adoption short. I am not an adoptive mom, but I imagine adoptive moms share stories similar to mine, in loving their children. The difference is that Wyatt has been with me since he was 6 cells, and I bonded with him long before he was born.
What is it that they say? Feel the fear and do it anyway. That is the advice I am giving you. Yes, it is going to be WEIRD for the next bit. Choosing a donor and going through the RE visits up to retrieval will be scary and odd and awkward and will leave you feeling like you don't control anything in this whole process. But I PROMISE you that will change. Once the donor is out of the process and you see that heartbeat on the screen, it is like in a movie where there is a sudden epiphany and the world zooms around you... suddenly that LIFE is real, and is yours, and it will remain so.
I am no Pollyanna. I know that Wyatt and I will have some conversations that may be hard due to the circumstances of his conception. But I will deal with those when it is time. I will make sure our foundation is so strong that no matter what, my love will never be in question.
If you end up trying another IVF cycle, fine. If it has a chance of working, there's no reason not to try. But know that if you DO move forward with DE, that it will be ok. You'll still have the baby you are meant to have, and your life will be so much richer because of it.
I can only speak for myself, but I certainly can't imagine loving ANY child more than I do my son.
I remember having all the same feelings you are currently having. Fear of the unknown. Uncertainty about the whole process. Frustration at the LACK OF CONTROL!!!! Anger at my stupid body. Anger at my life leading to being so old when I finally tried to have a baby. Anger at doctors for not figuring it out earlier. Mad that I would never have a baby with my family's chin and my inherited intelligence and artistic abilities.
I went forward with DE because it was my only choice, if I wanted to experience pregnancy and birth.
But I wasn't excited about it.
I was scared. And mad. And deflated.
We chose a donor. At the time, it was a daunting decision. I tried to choose someone similar enough to me that she could have been in my family. I tried to choose someone who was smart and witty and a good person. We finally chose her, and I felt good about it, but still nervous and not fully invested.
We went to the RE's office for DH to do his part. I brought a card and small gift for the donor, feeling that it was inadequate, but necessary. The note I wrote made DH cry.
Instead of having egg retrieval, I was in the room with DH "helping" him while the egg donor was in the retrieval room. We think we saw the person who brought the donor to the clinic sitting in the waiting room. I wonder if he knew who we were. If he judged us. If he was concerned that his friend/girlfriend/sister/whoever's egg was going to a fat old couple.
Then we went home. We waited. We got news that 22 eggs were retrieved, and 15 were fertilized and growing.
I went in for transfer, and it was different now. The embryos were no longer "hers". They were MINE. I felt it. I was excited again.
I bonded with the embryos immediately, and sang to them and begged and willed them to stick.
I got a BFN.
I was devastated. Why didn't those embies feel I would be a good enough mommy? Why was I not deserving of a child?
Fast forward 2 months. FET 1. I was hopeful but not as excited. If a fresh cycle didn't work, how would an FET work?
I got a BFP.
I was over the moon. 2 heartbeats. Tiny flickers on the screen as Dh and I watched with tears. Twins. Then we lost one.
20 week ultrasound. Strong heartbeat. Tiny legs kicking the wand away. Thumb sucking. A penis!
I felt the baby, first as a flutter, then as a strange rolling sensation, as if a bowling ball was turning inside me. He reacted to my singing. He reacted to Dr. Pepper. I put my hand on my tummy and was full of awe and joy and fear... but not one thought of feeling disconnected from this life growing inside me. I had never felt so connected to anyone or anything in my life.
A scary birth, followed by a wheelchair visit to the NICU. I touched his face. I held his tiny, tiny foot. I was in love.
4 weeks of visiting him, fighting to be the one to make decisions, holding his foot through a hole in a plastic box while a blue light shined on his tiny naked body.
Then he was home. Sleeping on my chest. Sleeping on the couch next to me. Then smiling! Then laughing! Then saying "Ma-ma." Then saying "yuv you." Then saying "Sweet dreams, Mommy. I yuv you too, Mommy."
Nope. Not one second of regret. Not one second of feeling that he isn't "mine". Not one second of feeling as if I adopted someone else's child. He has taken on my sense of humor to the point where DH rolls his eyes at both of us, and Wyatt and I look at each other and giggle. We are a secret club, my son and I.
As far as having my intelligence, my artistic abilities, my chin? Well, there's no guarantee of any of that stuff anyway. My sister's bio son is a science geek who couldn't be more different than my artsy sister. And he looks NOTHING like her.
Wyatt is who he is. And he's MINE. My son. Nobody else's. Well... ok, he's DH's. But their relationship is different than ours. Me and Wyatt... well, we are a special twosome, going through adventures and "vestigations" together, and sharing hugs, kisses, and just hilarious conversations.
You are at the scary part. All the uncertainty and fear and anger and grief. I remember well. But you have nothing to fear. You'll feel your baby grow inside you. You'll feel love you've never felt before. You will soon know what it is like to know you'd die for someone else, and would walk through fire to protect them.
I won't say it isn't like adoption, because I think that is selling adoption short. I am not an adoptive mom, but I imagine adoptive moms share stories similar to mine, in loving their children. The difference is that Wyatt has been with me since he was 6 cells, and I bonded with him long before he was born.
What is it that they say? Feel the fear and do it anyway. That is the advice I am giving you. Yes, it is going to be WEIRD for the next bit. Choosing a donor and going through the RE visits up to retrieval will be scary and odd and awkward and will leave you feeling like you don't control anything in this whole process. But I PROMISE you that will change. Once the donor is out of the process and you see that heartbeat on the screen, it is like in a movie where there is a sudden epiphany and the world zooms around you... suddenly that LIFE is real, and is yours, and it will remain so.
I am no Pollyanna. I know that Wyatt and I will have some conversations that may be hard due to the circumstances of his conception. But I will deal with those when it is time. I will make sure our foundation is so strong that no matter what, my love will never be in question.
If you end up trying another IVF cycle, fine. If it has a chance of working, there's no reason not to try. But know that if you DO move forward with DE, that it will be ok. You'll still have the baby you are meant to have, and your life will be so much richer because of it.
Wyatt called out "MOMMY!" from his bed.
I went in, and he was all uncovered.
"I wan to go in dere." he said.
"No, honey, but I'll cover you back up and make you all cozy."
"Ohh- kay"
"There... isn't that better? Isn't it nice to be all cozy?"
"Yes.... be cozy wif me."
So I did.
I went in, and he was all uncovered.
"I wan to go in dere." he said.
"No, honey, but I'll cover you back up and make you all cozy."
"Ohh- kay"
"There... isn't that better? Isn't it nice to be all cozy?"
"Yes.... be cozy wif me."
So I did.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Subterranean bovines
We were walking around outside the library last night after storytime. There was a hole, and a bunch of dirt all around it where something had been digging.
Wyatt: "What did that?"
Me: "Looks like a gopher or mole or something."
Wyatt: "Maybe a snake?"
Me: "No, snakes don't make big messes like that when they make holes. Has to be something like a mole."
Wyatt: "What a mole?"
Me: "They are kinda like big rats that live in the ground."
Wyatt: "Oh."
He ponders for a few moments quietly.
Wyatt: (with a know-it-all tone to his voice) "I fink it was a cow."
Me: "A COW?"
Wyatt: "Yes. A cow."
Wyatt: "What did that?"
Me: "Looks like a gopher or mole or something."
Wyatt: "Maybe a snake?"
Me: "No, snakes don't make big messes like that when they make holes. Has to be something like a mole."
Wyatt: "What a mole?"
Me: "They are kinda like big rats that live in the ground."
Wyatt: "Oh."
He ponders for a few moments quietly.
Wyatt: (with a know-it-all tone to his voice) "I fink it was a cow."
Me: "A COW?"
Wyatt: "Yes. A cow."
Friday, November 12, 2010
Way to grow!
My mom was trying to get Wyatt to eat, while my 18 year old nephew, who is 6'5" and pretty husky, stood behind him.
My mom asked "Wyatt, don't you want to be big and strong like Mick when you grow up?"
Wyatt looked up at Mick towering over him, pondered for a second, then hung his head and said "I give up."
My mom asked "Wyatt, don't you want to be big and strong like Mick when you grow up?"
Wyatt looked up at Mick towering over him, pondered for a second, then hung his head and said "I give up."
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wyatt was interested in the bottle of aspirin I just bought.
"You don't want these," I told him. "They taste yucky."
He pondered for a moment then said "Do them taste hashbrowny?" ??!?!??!?!? LOL
"You don't want these," I told him. "They taste yucky."
He pondered for a moment then said "Do them taste hashbrowny?" ??!?!??!?!? LOL
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wyatt songs
Every night, I sing "Baby Don't You Cry" to Wyatt at least once. I have sung this song to him every day for at least the past two years. "Sing Baby!" he's said since he could talk. I can sing this song without even thinking about it. But it's so much better when I really think about it. Such a cute song.
Now, I follow up with "Twinkle Little Star" (although sometimes he requests the sillier version of "Twinkle Little Fart"... don't ask. Ok, you asked. "Twinkle twinkle little fart, how I wonder what I ate, hanging out around the air. Wish that you were over there. Twinkle twinkle little fart, how I wonder what I ate."
You asked.
There are a few other songs that are stand-bys if he is having a rough time going to sleep.
"You Are My Sunshine" is one, with added verses "you are my sweetheart" and "you are my Wyatt".
Then there are a few I made up...
"You're my little sweetheart, it's true
And you know that I love you
Yes I do, yes I do
You're my little sweetheart, I know
And you know that I love you so
Love you so, love you so"
"You're my little puffalump
My little sweetie-heart
My little cutie-pie
You're my little cutie-pie
My little sweetie-heart
My little puffalump
Aaaaaand I love you
Aaaaaand I love you
Aaaaaand I love you, I love you, I do"
I used to sing "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, little Wyatt. Mommy loves you, yes she does, but you need to go to sleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little Wyatt. Go to sleep, go to sleep, little Wyatt, please sleep" back when he was a baby and had the hardest time falling asleep. But I haven't had to resort to that in a long time!
I still remember when I tried "Unchained Melody" when he only had a few words. I hit that high note, and he just shook his head no.
Anyway, I am glad he likes to listen to me sing. It brings me a lot of joy to know that something I love brings comfort to him. Now if I could only get him into the songs I really like to sing. ;)
Now, I follow up with "Twinkle Little Star" (although sometimes he requests the sillier version of "Twinkle Little Fart"... don't ask. Ok, you asked. "Twinkle twinkle little fart, how I wonder what I ate, hanging out around the air. Wish that you were over there. Twinkle twinkle little fart, how I wonder what I ate."
You asked.
There are a few other songs that are stand-bys if he is having a rough time going to sleep.
"You Are My Sunshine" is one, with added verses "you are my sweetheart" and "you are my Wyatt".
Then there are a few I made up...
"You're my little sweetheart, it's true
And you know that I love you
Yes I do, yes I do
You're my little sweetheart, I know
And you know that I love you so
Love you so, love you so"
"You're my little puffalump
My little sweetie-heart
My little cutie-pie
You're my little cutie-pie
My little sweetie-heart
My little puffalump
Aaaaaand I love you
Aaaaaand I love you
Aaaaaand I love you, I love you, I do"
I used to sing "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, little Wyatt. Mommy loves you, yes she does, but you need to go to sleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little Wyatt. Go to sleep, go to sleep, little Wyatt, please sleep" back when he was a baby and had the hardest time falling asleep. But I haven't had to resort to that in a long time!
I still remember when I tried "Unchained Melody" when he only had a few words. I hit that high note, and he just shook his head no.
Anyway, I am glad he likes to listen to me sing. It brings me a lot of joy to know that something I love brings comfort to him. Now if I could only get him into the songs I really like to sing. ;)
Curious George
We read "Curious George Goes Fishing". George uses a string tied to a mop as a fishing pole, and Wyatt thought it was so funny! He just kept giggling and giggling about it.
Then we got done with our 3 books, and he turned out the light.
I started singing his songs to him, and he started giggling. "What's so funny?" I asked.
"He fish with a mop!!!!"
Then we got done with our 3 books, and he turned out the light.
I started singing his songs to him, and he started giggling. "What's so funny?" I asked.
"He fish with a mop!!!!"
Goodnight Moon
There's a page in Goodnight Moon that shows the real moon as full, and a picture of the moon as a quarter-moon. So I showed Wyatt the difference and turned the page. The next page had a big full moon on it... he asked: "Is that a whole moon? Where the money moon?" ?!?!?! It took me a second of processing... Ohhhhhhhhhh, quarter=money. LOLOL!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wyatt goes to a rave
This was actually at my niece's Sweet 16 party. A friend of hers is a DJ so they made a rave out of it.
Wyatt watched the teenagers dancing and jumping around for approximately 2 seconds before he decided he wanted to be part of it. LOL.
Wyatt watched the teenagers dancing and jumping around for approximately 2 seconds before he decided he wanted to be part of it. LOL.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Poop and baseball
Wyatt has this little stuffed bunny, named Bunny Rabbit (original, I know), that he sleeps with.
Wyatt: "I want to see Bunny Wabbit tawk."
Me: "That would be cool. What do you think Bunny Rabbit would talk about?"
Wyatt: "Poop."
Me: "Oh no. I don't need to hear more about poop!"
Wyatt: "Poop... and baseball."
LOL (Great, a rabbit who'll discuss batting averages and roughage!)
Me: "Poop AND baseball?"
Wyatt: "Yes. And you."
Me: "He's going to talk about me?"
Wyatt: "Yes. You."
Wyatt: "I want to see Bunny Wabbit tawk."
Me: "That would be cool. What do you think Bunny Rabbit would talk about?"
Wyatt: "Poop."
Me: "Oh no. I don't need to hear more about poop!"
Wyatt: "Poop... and baseball."
LOL (Great, a rabbit who'll discuss batting averages and roughage!)
Me: "Poop AND baseball?"
Wyatt: "Yes. And you."
Me: "He's going to talk about me?"
Wyatt: "Yes. You."
Monday, September 27, 2010
DH was sitting on me on the bed. Wyatt was next to us.
DH: "Wyatt, can I sit on YOUR belly?"
Wyatt: "No, you can't sit on my bew-wy. It too small and cute."
DH: "Wyatt, can I sit on YOUR belly?"
Wyatt: "No, you can't sit on my bew-wy. It too small and cute."
Friday, September 24, 2010
Climbing a mountain
Wyatt keeps saying he wants to climb this small mountain by our house. I keep telling him we will do it when it cools off.
So we were driving home and he said "I want to cimb up dat mountain."
Me: "We will when it cools off."
Wyatt: "I want to cimb up with Gamma and Gampa."
Me: "I don't think Grandma and Grandpa want to climb a mountain."
Wyatt ponders for a moment, then says in the sweetest voice:
"I will hold dem's hands."
So we were driving home and he said "I want to cimb up dat mountain."
Me: "We will when it cools off."
Wyatt: "I want to cimb up with Gamma and Gampa."
Me: "I don't think Grandma and Grandpa want to climb a mountain."
Wyatt ponders for a moment, then says in the sweetest voice:
"I will hold dem's hands."
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wyatt and I are looking at his jammies, which feature a dog riding a skateboard (I seriously think they are out of ideas!)
Wyatt: "Some kids ride skateboards too."
Me: "Yes, they do. Do you want to ride a skateboard?"
Wyatt: "No, I don't yike skateboards."
Me: "What do you want to ride?"
Wyatt: (pause, then with great excitement): "I want to ride a MONKEY!"
Wyatt: "Some kids ride skateboards too."
Me: "Yes, they do. Do you want to ride a skateboard?"
Wyatt: "No, I don't yike skateboards."
Me: "What do you want to ride?"
Wyatt: (pause, then with great excitement): "I want to ride a MONKEY!"
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wyatt has this little Alvin chipmunk that says "HELLO GORGEOUS!" when you push his head.
Wyatt was pushing it really fast, and then he said "Mom, he say 'hell' 'hell' 'hell'!"
"Yeah", I responded, trying to downplay any excitement over the cussing chipmunk.
Then Wyatt yelled "WHAT THE HELL!!!!"
Wyatt was pushing it really fast, and then he said "Mom, he say 'hell' 'hell' 'hell'!"
"Yeah", I responded, trying to downplay any excitement over the cussing chipmunk.
Then Wyatt yelled "WHAT THE HELL!!!!"
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wyatt is doing something silly.
I tell him: "You're loco!"
He looks at me with a blank stare.
Me: "Do you know what loco means? It means CRAAAAAAAAZY!"
Wyatt: (pauses a moment) "It mean ri-dic-u-yus!"
Yep, sorta. Good call from a 3 year old.
I tell him: "You're loco!"
He looks at me with a blank stare.
Me: "Do you know what loco means? It means CRAAAAAAAAZY!"
Wyatt: (pauses a moment) "It mean ri-dic-u-yus!"
Yep, sorta. Good call from a 3 year old.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Skunk Creek
We drive home over a bridge that is labeled "Skunk Creek". They've paved the creek bed where the freeway goes over, so looking down, it just looks like concrete. Wyatt always asks if there are any rocks in there, so the other day was no different...
Wyatt: Is that Skunk Creek up dere?"
Me: "Yep, it sure is!"
Wyatt: "Do it have rocks in dere?"
Me: (looking down) "Nope, no rocks!"
Wyatt: "What dey do wif dem?"
Me: "I guess they scooped them up and moved them."
Wyatt ponders in silence for a few moments.
Wyatt: "So dey haf to walk on de sidewalk?"
Me: ??? "Who?"
Wyatt: "The SKUNKS!"
LOLOLOLOL! I guess it is only common sense that skunks would be in Skunk Creek, right?
Wyatt: Is that Skunk Creek up dere?"
Me: "Yep, it sure is!"
Wyatt: "Do it have rocks in dere?"
Me: (looking down) "Nope, no rocks!"
Wyatt: "What dey do wif dem?"
Me: "I guess they scooped them up and moved them."
Wyatt ponders in silence for a few moments.
Wyatt: "So dey haf to walk on de sidewalk?"
Me: ??? "Who?"
Wyatt: "The SKUNKS!"
LOLOLOLOL! I guess it is only common sense that skunks would be in Skunk Creek, right?
Monday, August 30, 2010
A french fry in the eye
We were reading a book called "Little Critter's Day". The main character is this especially sloppy little monster-boy, and on one of the pages, he is helping his little sister with her dinner, covered in whatever she's eating.
Me: "Oh my! I never noticed before but he has it on his EYEBALL!"
Wyatt: "Is it Cream of Wheat?"
Me: "It looks like Cream of Wheat."
Wyatt: "I fink it oatmeal."
Me: "Well, whether it is Cream of Wheat or oatmeal, I wouldn't want it on my eyeball!"
Wyatt: "Or a french fry. Dat would kinda suck."
!!!!! (LOLOLOLOL!!!!)
(Yeh, that's probably something I say. Bad mama.)
Me: "Oh my! I never noticed before but he has it on his EYEBALL!"
Wyatt: "Is it Cream of Wheat?"
Me: "It looks like Cream of Wheat."
Wyatt: "I fink it oatmeal."
Me: "Well, whether it is Cream of Wheat or oatmeal, I wouldn't want it on my eyeball!"
Wyatt: "Or a french fry. Dat would kinda suck."
!!!!! (LOLOLOLOL!!!!)
(Yeh, that's probably something I say. Bad mama.)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Conversations with Wyatt
Wyatt, from backseat in car: "I want to see put his foot in water."
Me: "What? Foot in water?"
Wyatt: "No! Foot in water-meh-yon"
Me: "Foot in a watermelon?"
Wyatt: "Yes!"
Me: "Who do you want to put his foot in a watermelon?"
Wyatt: "A snake!"
Me: (blink) "You are aware, aren't you, that snakes don't have feet?"
Wyatt: "Yes them do!"
Wyatt, from backseat in car: "I want to pet a skunk."
Me: "Well, you can pet skunks if they have been fixed so they don't stink."
Wyatt: "No, I want pet one that stinks!"
Wyatt: "I want to pet a dolphin!"
Wyatt: "I want to catch a baby yizard."
Wyatt, touching my necklace: "I yike that big fower (flower). I yike that baby fower too."
His newest way to answer a question: "Yes, I'm are!"
Me: "What? Foot in water?"
Wyatt: "No! Foot in water-meh-yon"
Me: "Foot in a watermelon?"
Wyatt: "Yes!"
Me: "Who do you want to put his foot in a watermelon?"
Wyatt: "A snake!"
Me: (blink) "You are aware, aren't you, that snakes don't have feet?"
Wyatt: "Yes them do!"
Wyatt, from backseat in car: "I want to pet a skunk."
Me: "Well, you can pet skunks if they have been fixed so they don't stink."
Wyatt: "No, I want pet one that stinks!"
Wyatt: "I want to pet a dolphin!"
Wyatt: "I want to catch a baby yizard."
Wyatt, touching my necklace: "I yike that big fower (flower). I yike that baby fower too."
His newest way to answer a question: "Yes, I'm are!"
Friday, August 6, 2010
The whole wide world
Me: "I love you more than anything in the whole wide world!"
Wyatt: (repeating in a slow contemplative tone) "The whoooooooooole.... wiiiiiide... world"
(pause)... then in a normal voice:
"I don't know what that means."
Wyatt: (repeating in a slow contemplative tone) "The whoooooooooole.... wiiiiiide... world"
(pause)... then in a normal voice:
"I don't know what that means."
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wyatt: "Racer mp!"
Me: "What?"
Wyatt: "Racer mp!"
Me: "What?!?!?"
Wyatt: "Racer mp!"
Me: "I don't know what that means."
Wyatt: (pauses, giving me a serious stare) "I don't know what dat mean ee-er."
Ummm... you're the one who said it, dude!
Me: "What?"
Wyatt: "Racer mp!"
Me: "What?!?!?"
Wyatt: "Racer mp!"
Me: "I don't know what that means."
Wyatt: (pauses, giving me a serious stare) "I don't know what dat mean ee-er."
Ummm... you're the one who said it, dude!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wyatt is sitting on my lap playing with my earrings. He starts pulling on them, so I take them off.
Wyatt: "I want to hold dem."
Me: "Ok" (handing him the earrings)
He fiddles with them for about 15 seconds then hands them back with a scowl.
"These kinda dangerous."
My mom was changing his diaper and he started...ummm... messing with his parts.
Grammy: "Wyatt, do you need to pee pee?" (she's trying to help get him using the potty)
Wyatt: "No."
Grammy: "Your little pee pee is sticking up. That usually means you need to pee."
Wyatt: (still messing with himself) "No. It just feel good."
Wyatt goes to the potty.
Grammy: "Wyatt, did you just pee pee in the potty?!!?!"
Wyatt: "Yes I did." (pause) "But don't scream."
I have some fake cherries in a bowl on my kitchen table. Wyatt likes holding them while he eats, and also likes finding the ones he has bitten and that now have little bite marks on them.
So he hands me the cherry he's holding and says:
"Is dis the one with the birthmark?"
(Meaning BITE mark)
Then kept going. He put it up by my mouth and said:
"Here. Put your birthmark."
Wyatt: "I want to hold dem."
Me: "Ok" (handing him the earrings)
He fiddles with them for about 15 seconds then hands them back with a scowl.
"These kinda dangerous."
My mom was changing his diaper and he started...ummm... messing with his parts.
Grammy: "Wyatt, do you need to pee pee?" (she's trying to help get him using the potty)
Wyatt: "No."
Grammy: "Your little pee pee is sticking up. That usually means you need to pee."
Wyatt: (still messing with himself) "No. It just feel good."
Wyatt goes to the potty.
Grammy: "Wyatt, did you just pee pee in the potty?!!?!"
Wyatt: "Yes I did." (pause) "But don't scream."
I have some fake cherries in a bowl on my kitchen table. Wyatt likes holding them while he eats, and also likes finding the ones he has bitten and that now have little bite marks on them.
So he hands me the cherry he's holding and says:
"Is dis the one with the birthmark?"
(Meaning BITE mark)
Then kept going. He put it up by my mouth and said:
"Here. Put your birthmark."
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Parenting is a cycle
I was just thinking yesterday that parenting is a constant cycle of loss and renewal.
At each stage, you lose (and miss!) the person your child was, as you get to know the new person at the same time.
I still miss Wyatt in my belly. I miss him as a not-even-4-pound infant cuddling in my shirt. I miss him as a 6 month old, tumbling all over the place. I miss him as a one year old talking mostly in gestures. I miss him as a two-year old, snuggling into the crook of my arm.
Now he's three, and I love him more than ever. But can't help missing all the other versions of Wyatt I have held to this point.
And I assume it will continue on this way. And some of the Wyatts likely won't be as lovable as the current one. Will I be able to love and enjoy life with moody pre-teen Wyatt, or defiant teenager Wyatt?
It's difficult, this cycle. This constant process of losing and gaining. Sometimes I wish I could just click the pause button for a while.
At each stage, you lose (and miss!) the person your child was, as you get to know the new person at the same time.
I still miss Wyatt in my belly. I miss him as a not-even-4-pound infant cuddling in my shirt. I miss him as a 6 month old, tumbling all over the place. I miss him as a one year old talking mostly in gestures. I miss him as a two-year old, snuggling into the crook of my arm.
Now he's three, and I love him more than ever. But can't help missing all the other versions of Wyatt I have held to this point.
And I assume it will continue on this way. And some of the Wyatts likely won't be as lovable as the current one. Will I be able to love and enjoy life with moody pre-teen Wyatt, or defiant teenager Wyatt?
It's difficult, this cycle. This constant process of losing and gaining. Sometimes I wish I could just click the pause button for a while.
Monday, July 26, 2010
More cawwots
Wyatt was playing with the little light at the doctor's office yesterday (bad mommy! LOL) and pointed it into his ear. Then says:
"I fink there's somefing in dere."
"I fink it's cawwots."
"I did eat some."
LOL!!!!! I don't know what's with the carrot obsession.
"I fink there's somefing in dere."
"I fink it's cawwots."
"I did eat some."
LOL!!!!! I don't know what's with the carrot obsession.
Wyatt was sitting in his high chair with a contemplative look on his face.
"What are you thinking about, honey?"
Wyatt pauses, then says:
"Carrots? You're thinking about carrots? What about them?"
He pauses again, trying to find his words.
"What do dey do?" (pauses again) "Do dey talk?"
So we had a little conversation about carrots. LOL.
"What are you thinking about, honey?"
Wyatt pauses, then says:
"Carrots? You're thinking about carrots? What about them?"
He pauses again, trying to find his words.
"What do dey do?" (pauses again) "Do dey talk?"
So we had a little conversation about carrots. LOL.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wyatt's question for me this morning:
"Mommy! Why you wearing those goofy earrings?"
(BTW, the "goofy" earrings are just silver drop-style earrings. About as plain as you can get. So no idea why they are "goofy"?
(BTW, the "goofy" earrings are just silver drop-style earrings. About as plain as you can get. So no idea why they are "goofy"?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wyatt stuff
Me: "I'm a chicken!!! BAWK! BAWK! BAWK!"
Wyatt: "I a duck! Quack! Quack! Quack!"
Me: (laughing)
Me: "I love you, duck."
Wyatt" "I yuv you, kicken."

Me: "You're my little sweetheart."
Wyatt: "You my yittle sweet-heart, Mommy."
Wyatt: "That twuck have a smoke-snack?" (smokestack-hahahah!)
Wyatt: (grabbing my leg forcefully) "RAWWWWWRRR! I EVIL!!!!"
Wyatt: "Where my gween goggles?"
Me: (??????????) "Your WHAT?"
Wyatt: "My gween goggles!" (grabs my face so I pay complete attention) "My GOGGLES!"
Me: (????????) "Ummmm. You don't have any goggles, honey."
Me: (pondering what we just bought that was green, hoping for a revelation) "OHHH! You mean your green FLIP FLOPS?"
Wyatt: "YES! Fwip fwops! Where my gween fwip fwops?"
I have no idea why flip-flops became GOGGLES in his head. LOL
In the pool.
Wyatt: "Mommy! Say ya-ya-ya! Say ya-ya-ya!"
Me: (floating in my float) "Ok. (singing) La, la, la! La, la, la! So relaxing. So peaceful. Nobody spashing me... just floating in my float... la, la, la..."
Wyatt: (giggling like mad while scrambling out of the pool)
Wyatt JUMPS next to me, splashing me.
Wyatt: "I spash you in da face, Mommy?"
Me: "Yes! You splashed me right in the face. That was a good one!"
Wyatt: "Yeh. Dat was a good one."
Wyatt: "Ok Mommy. Say ya-ya-ya..."

Wyatt: "I a duck! Quack! Quack! Quack!"
Me: (laughing)
Me: "I love you, duck."
Wyatt" "I yuv you, kicken."
Me: "You're my little sweetheart."
Wyatt: "You my yittle sweet-heart, Mommy."
Wyatt: "That twuck have a smoke-snack?" (smokestack-hahahah!)
Wyatt: (grabbing my leg forcefully) "RAWWWWWRRR! I EVIL!!!!"
Wyatt: "Where my gween goggles?"
Me: (??????????) "Your WHAT?"
Wyatt: "My gween goggles!" (grabs my face so I pay complete attention) "My GOGGLES!"
Me: (????????) "Ummmm. You don't have any goggles, honey."
Me: (pondering what we just bought that was green, hoping for a revelation) "OHHH! You mean your green FLIP FLOPS?"
Wyatt: "YES! Fwip fwops! Where my gween fwip fwops?"
I have no idea why flip-flops became GOGGLES in his head. LOL
In the pool.
Wyatt: "Mommy! Say ya-ya-ya! Say ya-ya-ya!"
Me: (floating in my float) "Ok. (singing) La, la, la! La, la, la! So relaxing. So peaceful. Nobody spashing me... just floating in my float... la, la, la..."
Wyatt: (giggling like mad while scrambling out of the pool)
Wyatt JUMPS next to me, splashing me.
Wyatt: "I spash you in da face, Mommy?"
Me: "Yes! You splashed me right in the face. That was a good one!"
Wyatt: "Yeh. Dat was a good one."
Wyatt: "Ok Mommy. Say ya-ya-ya..."
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
We went to Kohl's yesterday.
And Wyatt pooped a giant stinky poop on the end of the store as far from the restroom as possible.
So we started making our way over there.
And I feel a finger swipe across the front of my shirt over my belly.
I look down and Wyatt is grinning up at me with a huge proud grin on his face, and he says...
"I wipe poop on you!"
I look at my shirt and sure enough, there's a giant smear of light-colored poop on my black blouse.
Yep, he took a finger, shoved it down the back of his diaper, scooped up some dookie, and wiped it on me.
I screamed "WHAT!??!?!?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!"
and we ran to the bathroom.
This is the part of parenting you cannot prepare for.
We went to Kohl's yesterday.
And Wyatt pooped a giant stinky poop on the end of the store as far from the restroom as possible.
So we started making our way over there.
And I feel a finger swipe across the front of my shirt over my belly.
I look down and Wyatt is grinning up at me with a huge proud grin on his face, and he says...
"I wipe poop on you!"
I look at my shirt and sure enough, there's a giant smear of light-colored poop on my black blouse.
Yep, he took a finger, shoved it down the back of his diaper, scooped up some dookie, and wiped it on me.
I screamed "WHAT!??!?!?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!"
and we ran to the bathroom.
This is the part of parenting you cannot prepare for.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Letting go of hope
How do you do it? Let go of hope, that is?
AF started last night. She was 2 days late. I know that I can't get pregnant. Yet I still had that holding-my-breath feeling. I still planned on stopping by Dollar Tree today to pick up a few HPTs. (Oh how I love peeing on sticks!!!)
And so today, I feel slightly deflated.
I don't get it. How can I let logic win and just let the hope fly away?
I do believe that God is sovereign. He can do anything. Unblocking a tube is nothing to Him. It's so simple. But why would He? What makes me so worthy of another child? Not that I feel UNworthy, mind you, but what makes my miracle more critical to see to than my sister's friend who is dying of cancer, or a billion other hardships and desperate situations? Heck, my situation doesn't even qualify as desperate... it's just a quiet hope. A silent and constant prayer.
I am supposed to have surgery in August to remove adhesions. I am putting it off for now, but one of the questions the doctor asked is if I wanted a hysterectomy at the same time? My insides are REALLY messed up see, and the fewer surgeries I can subject myself to, the better... so better to get it all over with at once.
But I said no.
Not just no, but "NO!!!!" with a shocked look on my face and my arms around my abdomen.
What will I gain keeping my uterus? I doubt it will be used again. As a matter of fact, I kinda want it NOT to be used again... it is so dangerous for me to be pg in the first place.
And I am really happy with what I have. I love my son more than anything, and he is more than I ever could have wished for...
So why is it so hard to let go of that hope? And should I be praying for THAT (the ability to let go) instead of the constant prayer of "If it is Your will, God, please bring another baby to me." ??
AF started last night. She was 2 days late. I know that I can't get pregnant. Yet I still had that holding-my-breath feeling. I still planned on stopping by Dollar Tree today to pick up a few HPTs. (Oh how I love peeing on sticks!!!)
And so today, I feel slightly deflated.
I don't get it. How can I let logic win and just let the hope fly away?
I do believe that God is sovereign. He can do anything. Unblocking a tube is nothing to Him. It's so simple. But why would He? What makes me so worthy of another child? Not that I feel UNworthy, mind you, but what makes my miracle more critical to see to than my sister's friend who is dying of cancer, or a billion other hardships and desperate situations? Heck, my situation doesn't even qualify as desperate... it's just a quiet hope. A silent and constant prayer.
I am supposed to have surgery in August to remove adhesions. I am putting it off for now, but one of the questions the doctor asked is if I wanted a hysterectomy at the same time? My insides are REALLY messed up see, and the fewer surgeries I can subject myself to, the better... so better to get it all over with at once.
But I said no.
Not just no, but "NO!!!!" with a shocked look on my face and my arms around my abdomen.
What will I gain keeping my uterus? I doubt it will be used again. As a matter of fact, I kinda want it NOT to be used again... it is so dangerous for me to be pg in the first place.
And I am really happy with what I have. I love my son more than anything, and he is more than I ever could have wished for...
So why is it so hard to let go of that hope? And should I be praying for THAT (the ability to let go) instead of the constant prayer of "If it is Your will, God, please bring another baby to me." ??
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
(Wyatt sniffs swim diaper and gives me a serious look) "It smells yike disgusting."
Wyatt: "I almost getting bigger... almost. (pause) I not a baby anymore."
Me: "But you'll always be my baby."
Wyatt: (ponders for a moment) "Yeh"
Wyatt sucks a big drink of lemonade up the straw then says... "This is some good stuff!"
I was singing Baby Don't You Cry to him (same as every other night for the last 2+ years) and he let out a big ol' toot right as I got to the part where I'd sing "Gonna be made with butterscotch love" so instead I sang "Gonna be made with... toots." and of course, he thought that was funny.
But then I added "If you keep going, instead of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", I'll have to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Fart"
Oh man, did he think that was funny. He kept giggling and giggling, and every time he stopped, he'd start back up. Of course I was dying laughing just listening to him.
Wyatt: "I almost getting bigger... almost. (pause) I not a baby anymore."
Me: "But you'll always be my baby."
Wyatt: (ponders for a moment) "Yeh"
Wyatt sucks a big drink of lemonade up the straw then says... "This is some good stuff!"
I was singing Baby Don't You Cry to him (same as every other night for the last 2+ years) and he let out a big ol' toot right as I got to the part where I'd sing "Gonna be made with butterscotch love" so instead I sang "Gonna be made with... toots." and of course, he thought that was funny.
But then I added "If you keep going, instead of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", I'll have to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Fart"
Oh man, did he think that was funny. He kept giggling and giggling, and every time he stopped, he'd start back up. Of course I was dying laughing just listening to him.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Cleaning up
This morning, Wyatt was playing with his letters in his room (magnetic letters and a metal board from Ikea). I went in my room across the hall to take a quick shower.
I got done and went to see what he was doing and he was walking across the hall toward me.
I asked "Are you done playing with your letters?"
He beamed. "I throwed them!!!"
"WHAT?" (in a shocked voice, imagining magnetic letters all over the room). I started walking toward his room.
A look of sheer panic crossed his face. "NOOO!!!!!" he screamed.
Then he regrouped.
He took my arm calmly and smiled up at me. "Hey mommy, come over here..." pulling me away from his room. LOL
(I thought that was some good quick thinking!)
"No, I need to go look in your room."
Sure enough, there were letters everywhere.
"You need to pick these up." I say.
He looked at me with the most serious face and said...
"I'm yazy." (lazy)
"No you aren't lazy. You aren't a lazy boy. I am going to dry my hair. When I come back, I want all the letters picked up. If I have to pick any up, they go in the garbage."
I dried my hair and on the way out of my room again met Wyatt in the hall.
"Come see! Come see!" he said.
I walked in his room and all the letters were picked up and were back on the board. "Very good!" I said. He beamed again.
I got done and went to see what he was doing and he was walking across the hall toward me.
I asked "Are you done playing with your letters?"
He beamed. "I throwed them!!!"
"WHAT?" (in a shocked voice, imagining magnetic letters all over the room). I started walking toward his room.
A look of sheer panic crossed his face. "NOOO!!!!!" he screamed.
Then he regrouped.
He took my arm calmly and smiled up at me. "Hey mommy, come over here..." pulling me away from his room. LOL
(I thought that was some good quick thinking!)
"No, I need to go look in your room."
Sure enough, there were letters everywhere.
"You need to pick these up." I say.
He looked at me with the most serious face and said...
"I'm yazy." (lazy)
"No you aren't lazy. You aren't a lazy boy. I am going to dry my hair. When I come back, I want all the letters picked up. If I have to pick any up, they go in the garbage."
I dried my hair and on the way out of my room again met Wyatt in the hall.
"Come see! Come see!" he said.
I walked in his room and all the letters were picked up and were back on the board. "Very good!" I said. He beamed again.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Me: "Oh man. You need a haircut! Do you want to go to that place that has the cars you sit in, and suckers?"
Wyatt: "I want wootbeer sucker. (pause) Or cheh-wee. (pause) Day don't have cheh-wee. Or gwape. Just wootbeer and butter-socks. Wootbeer and butter-socks! That it!!!" (with a shrug)
(butter-socks is butterscotch, btw)
I came home from Walmart and DH was playing this game on the PS3 where a guy propels himself through the air and hits stuff around town. It's really DUMB.
And I said "Wyatt, do you like that silly game?"
So later, I was reading a book to him and the book asks "What makes you happy?"
He thought for a moment and answered " Dat sih-wee (silly) game dat Daddy was pwaying on the tv."
He's so funny!!!!
Wyatt: "I want wootbeer sucker. (pause) Or cheh-wee. (pause) Day don't have cheh-wee. Or gwape. Just wootbeer and butter-socks. Wootbeer and butter-socks! That it!!!" (with a shrug)
(butter-socks is butterscotch, btw)
I came home from Walmart and DH was playing this game on the PS3 where a guy propels himself through the air and hits stuff around town. It's really DUMB.
And I said "Wyatt, do you like that silly game?"
So later, I was reading a book to him and the book asks "What makes you happy?"
He thought for a moment and answered " Dat sih-wee (silly) game dat Daddy was pwaying on the tv."
He's so funny!!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Squirting a baby
I asked Wyatt "Are you Mommy's little punkin?"
"No. I Daddy's punkin."
I frown.
"But it ok. I still yuv you."

Wyatt: "Where my sister?"
Me: "Honey, you don't have a sister."
Wyatt: "Yes I do. She in the pool."
Me: "Ok, if you have a sister, what is her name?"
Wyatt: (thinks for a moment)... "SHAMPOOEY!"
Me: "Hey Micky (his 18 year old cousin) is going to come over."
Wyatt: "Micky come over?.... OOOH HOW FUN!"
Me: "LOL... yeh, Micky's a good cousin."
Wyatt: "Micky a good cousin. I a good cousin too!"
We were looking at a book with a bunch of pictures of animals...
Wyatt: "That kinda a doggie."
Me: "That's a fox."
Wyatt: "He have tail yike a doggie."
Me: "Yes, he does."
Wyatt (points to owl): "He kinda yike a doggie too."
Me: "No, he's an owl. See, he has a beak?"
Wyatt: (ponders) "Yike Owl on Little Bear?"
Me: "Yes, just like Owl on Little Bear."
(I thought that was a brilliant connection!)
He is getting to where he says so many things that make me laugh, it is hard to remember them to type them out.
He's starting to really use his imagination when he is playing too. Yesterday he was "squirting that baby in the yard" with his squirt gun. ??? I asked if there was some kind of real baby (baby doll, baby animal?) and he said "No, it a pretend baby."
"No. I Daddy's punkin."
I frown.
"But it ok. I still yuv you."
Wyatt: "Where my sister?"
Me: "Honey, you don't have a sister."
Wyatt: "Yes I do. She in the pool."
Me: "Ok, if you have a sister, what is her name?"
Wyatt: (thinks for a moment)... "SHAMPOOEY!"
Me: "Hey Micky (his 18 year old cousin) is going to come over."
Wyatt: "Micky come over?.... OOOH HOW FUN!"
Me: "LOL... yeh, Micky's a good cousin."
Wyatt: "Micky a good cousin. I a good cousin too!"
We were looking at a book with a bunch of pictures of animals...
Wyatt: "That kinda a doggie."
Me: "That's a fox."
Wyatt: "He have tail yike a doggie."
Me: "Yes, he does."
Wyatt (points to owl): "He kinda yike a doggie too."
Me: "No, he's an owl. See, he has a beak?"
Wyatt: (ponders) "Yike Owl on Little Bear?"
Me: "Yes, just like Owl on Little Bear."
(I thought that was a brilliant connection!)
He is getting to where he says so many things that make me laugh, it is hard to remember them to type them out.
He's starting to really use his imagination when he is playing too. Yesterday he was "squirting that baby in the yard" with his squirt gun. ??? I asked if there was some kind of real baby (baby doll, baby animal?) and he said "No, it a pretend baby."
Friday, June 4, 2010
I usually wait until I have a few, but I thought this was funny.
He kept sniffing in the backseat of the car, so I asked "Do you have a boogie in your nose?"
"No. A pigeon."
"What??? You have a PIGEON in your nose?"
((((giggle))))) "YES!"

He kept sniffing in the backseat of the car, so I asked "Do you have a boogie in your nose?"
"No. A pigeon."
"What??? You have a PIGEON in your nose?"
((((giggle))))) "YES!"
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Go gate... it's your birthday
Whenever someone is going slowly in front of me on the road, instead of yelling or calling them "idiot", I say "Go car... Go car... It's your birthday.."
Weird, I know. But that's me.
So we were pulling up to our community, waiting for the gate to swing open, and Wyatt says from the back seat:
"Go gate. It your birthday."
I almost passed out, I laughed so hard.
Wyatt: Nice car wash open?
Me: No, it closes at six. It's closed. It'll be open again tomorrow morning.
Wyatt pauses and thinks for a few moments... "No, it open Saturday."
He went into a recitation about everything he knows about himself the other day.
" I two."
"I almost free. (three)"
"My birthday June nine."
"My name Wyatt Douglas Bar-nic."
"Daddy name Doug."
I can't remember what else he said, but he just kept going on and on. It was cute.
I asked him what he wants for his birthday.
He said "A bouncy house."
Weird, I know. But that's me.
So we were pulling up to our community, waiting for the gate to swing open, and Wyatt says from the back seat:
"Go gate. It your birthday."
I almost passed out, I laughed so hard.
Wyatt: Nice car wash open?
Me: No, it closes at six. It's closed. It'll be open again tomorrow morning.
Wyatt pauses and thinks for a few moments... "No, it open Saturday."
He went into a recitation about everything he knows about himself the other day.
" I two."
"I almost free. (three)"
"My birthday June nine."
"My name Wyatt Douglas Bar-nic."
"Daddy name Doug."
I can't remember what else he said, but he just kept going on and on. It was cute.
I asked him what he wants for his birthday.
He said "A bouncy house."
I had the first instance of crying about moving. I had painted Wyatt's room at our old house. They are getting ready to paint it over with a neutral brown, so I told Wyatt to say goodbye to the bird on his wall since he won't see it again. He used to say goodnight to the bird, along with a few other things in the room.
Wyatt said "NO!" with his voice quivering... "Don't paint him. Don't paint him."
I started tearing up. "We have to honey. We don't live here anymore. But I took a picture of him and we can put it in your new room. So say bye to him."
Wyatt waved up at the bird with a tearful voice... "Bye"
Then he paused.
"I want to kiss him."
So I held Wyatt up to the bird, which sits on top of his closet door, and let him kiss it, while tears were streaming down my cheeks.
Leaving that house hasn't been hard for me. But knowing my boy was having to leave behind something he loves... that was much harder.
The dandelions were my favorite thing in the room. They represented making a wish, and Wyatt being the answer to my wish. I had little random dandelion fluffs like the one above the flowers scattered on the walls throughout the room. They weren't easy to see, but if you looked for them, you could find them all over.
Wyatt said "NO!" with his voice quivering... "Don't paint him. Don't paint him."
I started tearing up. "We have to honey. We don't live here anymore. But I took a picture of him and we can put it in your new room. So say bye to him."
Wyatt waved up at the bird with a tearful voice... "Bye"
Then he paused.
"I want to kiss him."
So I held Wyatt up to the bird, which sits on top of his closet door, and let him kiss it, while tears were streaming down my cheeks.
Leaving that house hasn't been hard for me. But knowing my boy was having to leave behind something he loves... that was much harder.
The dandelions were my favorite thing in the room. They represented making a wish, and Wyatt being the answer to my wish. I had little random dandelion fluffs like the one above the flowers scattered on the walls throughout the room. They weren't easy to see, but if you looked for them, you could find them all over.
The first time I have cried about moving

Wyatt said "NO!" with his voice quivering... "Don't paint him. Don't paint him."
I started tearing up. "We have to honey. We don't live here anymore. But I took a picture of him and we can put it in your new room. So say bye to him."
Wyatt waved up at the bird with a tearful voice... "Bye"
Then he paused.
"I want to kiss him."
So I held Wyatt up to the bird, which sits on top of his closet door, and let him kiss it, while tears were streaming down my cheeks.
Leaving that house hasn't been hard for me. But knowing my boy had to leave behind something he loves... that was much harder.
The dandelions were my favorite thing in the room. They represented making a wish, and Wyatt being the answer to my wish. I had little random dandelion fluffs like the one above the flowers scattered on the walls throughout the room. They weren't easy to see, but if you looked for them, you could find them all over.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day photos

Wyatt and I on Memorial Day in Flagstaff. I just LOVE the look on his face in the one where I am down next to him. It captures him SOOO well.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wyatt: "Ow, somefing bit me!"
Me: "Oh no! Like an ant?"
Wyatt: "No. Yike an elephant. It hurt."
He pauses for a second...
"It hurt if an elephant bite you?"
Me: "Yeh, it probably would. They have big mouths."
DH is on the phone with his friend Eddie. Wyatt picks up his toy phone...
"Heh-yo? Dis Eddie?"
"What you doing?"
Then "Mommy, you want talk to Eddie?"
I took the phone and had a pretend conversation with Eddie, asking him how his wife Kate is and how their dogs are.
So the next day, he had his phone again.
Me: "Are you talking to Eddie again?"
(gives me a look like I am stupid)
"No. I talking to Kate right now."
He also said at one point "Wait, I put it on speaker phone."
We were going outside and he suddenly stops and puts up an index finger and says "Wait! I finking. I finking." (thinking)
He's started this thing where he wants to know where everything is from.
"Where that clock come from?"
"Grammy gave me that clock for Christmas."
"Where my chair come from?"
"The 99 cent store."
"Where that ball come from?"
or sometimes I'll say "Maybe Target, maybe Walmart." and so if I answer Walmart, he'll say "Or maybe Target. Maybe Target, maybe Walmart."
If he wants to argue with me, he always says the object we are discussing came from Best Buy.
Still obsessed with car washes. We went to one a couple days ago and he had so much fun watching the cars go through.
Me: "Oh no! Like an ant?"
Wyatt: "No. Yike an elephant. It hurt."
He pauses for a second...
"It hurt if an elephant bite you?"
Me: "Yeh, it probably would. They have big mouths."
DH is on the phone with his friend Eddie. Wyatt picks up his toy phone...
"Heh-yo? Dis Eddie?"
"What you doing?"
Then "Mommy, you want talk to Eddie?"
I took the phone and had a pretend conversation with Eddie, asking him how his wife Kate is and how their dogs are.
So the next day, he had his phone again.
Me: "Are you talking to Eddie again?"
(gives me a look like I am stupid)
"No. I talking to Kate right now."
He also said at one point "Wait, I put it on speaker phone."
We were going outside and he suddenly stops and puts up an index finger and says "Wait! I finking. I finking." (thinking)
He's started this thing where he wants to know where everything is from.
"Where that clock come from?"
"Grammy gave me that clock for Christmas."
"Where my chair come from?"
"The 99 cent store."
"Where that ball come from?"
or sometimes I'll say "Maybe Target, maybe Walmart." and so if I answer Walmart, he'll say "Or maybe Target. Maybe Target, maybe Walmart."
If he wants to argue with me, he always says the object we are discussing came from Best Buy.
Still obsessed with car washes. We went to one a couple days ago and he had so much fun watching the cars go through.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I'm a Grandma!
Well, ok. Obviously NOT.

But I was in the furniture store and the sales guy said something about Wyatt making a mess.
And I said "Oh no. Wyatt's mommy wouldn't like that very much."
So later, he asked "So are you his Grandma?"
I shot the guy a look. "NO! I'm his MOM."
The guy stammered...
"Oh... uhhh... well, while ago you said something about "his mommy", so I thought it was someone else."
"NO! I was talking about myself in THIRD PERSON!"
"Well," he answered, still stammering. "You understand my confusion, right?"
"Sure. I understand your confusion. Because I LOOK SO OLD."
"NOOO!", he shouted back, flustered. "That's not what I meant."
I gave that poor guy grief the rest of the time he was there.
"Hold on, us grandmas are slow and I can't walk that fast."
"Is this couch soft? Because my old grandma bones need soft."
The poor guy kept apologizing and stammering and I acted like I was really offended by it to keep him that way. Because I am mean like that.

But I was in the furniture store and the sales guy said something about Wyatt making a mess.
And I said "Oh no. Wyatt's mommy wouldn't like that very much."
So later, he asked "So are you his Grandma?"
I shot the guy a look. "NO! I'm his MOM."
The guy stammered...
"Oh... uhhh... well, while ago you said something about "his mommy", so I thought it was someone else."
"NO! I was talking about myself in THIRD PERSON!"
"Well," he answered, still stammering. "You understand my confusion, right?"
"Sure. I understand your confusion. Because I LOOK SO OLD."
"NOOO!", he shouted back, flustered. "That's not what I meant."
I gave that poor guy grief the rest of the time he was there.
"Hold on, us grandmas are slow and I can't walk that fast."
"Is this couch soft? Because my old grandma bones need soft."
The poor guy kept apologizing and stammering and I acted like I was really offended by it to keep him that way. Because I am mean like that.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Kindof Daddy
I just post these so I have a record of them. 
DH needed to go to Lowe's and Wyatt and I just stayed outside. So Wyatt kept watching for Daddy to come back. He pointed excitedly and said "THERE'S DADDY!"
I turn around, and he's pointing at a guy that looks NOTHING like DH.
"THat's not Daddy", I said. "He's skinny and short, has brown skin, has a beard and is wearing plaid shorts. That looks NOTHING like Daddy!"
"Kindof", he answers. "It kindof Daddy."
Then he points at a young thin girl gathering carts. "There Daddy!"
"That's not Daddy. That's a girl! She has a ponytail!"
"Oh", he says. "It kindof you."
Then I was telling my mom that story today and Wyatt starts giggling in the back seat and says "That not Daddy. That a GIRL!"
He has gotten to where when I take off his clothes for bathtime, he takes off running all over, giggling like mad. Something about that little naked baby butt running in front of me makes me deliriously happy.
Still obsessed with car washes. I bought him that Matchbox car wash toy for his birthday next month.
DH needed to go to Lowe's and Wyatt and I just stayed outside. So Wyatt kept watching for Daddy to come back. He pointed excitedly and said "THERE'S DADDY!"
I turn around, and he's pointing at a guy that looks NOTHING like DH.
"THat's not Daddy", I said. "He's skinny and short, has brown skin, has a beard and is wearing plaid shorts. That looks NOTHING like Daddy!"
"Kindof", he answers. "It kindof Daddy."
Then he points at a young thin girl gathering carts. "There Daddy!"
"That's not Daddy. That's a girl! She has a ponytail!"
"Oh", he says. "It kindof you."
Then I was telling my mom that story today and Wyatt starts giggling in the back seat and says "That not Daddy. That a GIRL!"
He has gotten to where when I take off his clothes for bathtime, he takes off running all over, giggling like mad. Something about that little naked baby butt running in front of me makes me deliriously happy.
Still obsessed with car washes. I bought him that Matchbox car wash toy for his birthday next month.
Monday, May 3, 2010
I yike this cheese
Wyatt has been feeding me "nothing". He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his empty hand, then puts it up to my mouth. I pretend to eat it.
Sometimes he asks me "What it taste yike?" and I'll say "Strawberries! MMMM!" or something. Sometimes, he tells me what it is.. "It strawberry cake! You yike it?" (or "It good?") and sometimes, he says its Starbursts, because he knows I don't like Starbursts, and he wants to see me pretend to spit it out. LOL.
It's really cute!
He fell out of his bed night before last. I asked him what happened and he said "I roll over and CLUNK." I cracked up!
I've still been moving. We were at our old house cleaning, so I stopped by Taco Bell for food. He ended up REALLY liking nachos. We ran out of chips, so he picked up the little bowl of cheese and started scooping it out with his finger. He looks up at me, his face covered in orange cheese, and says "I yike this cheese."
Really? Couldn't tell.
This morning at the gym, I went back in the kid's club room after working out. Wyatt was surrounded by those big Lego-like blocks. I asked "What did you build?"
"A sign."
"What did it say?"
Sometimes I just wish I could follow him around with a recorder. He says such funny things all the time and I never remember them to blog them.
Sometimes he asks me "What it taste yike?" and I'll say "Strawberries! MMMM!" or something. Sometimes, he tells me what it is.. "It strawberry cake! You yike it?" (or "It good?") and sometimes, he says its Starbursts, because he knows I don't like Starbursts, and he wants to see me pretend to spit it out. LOL.
It's really cute!
He fell out of his bed night before last. I asked him what happened and he said "I roll over and CLUNK." I cracked up!
I've still been moving. We were at our old house cleaning, so I stopped by Taco Bell for food. He ended up REALLY liking nachos. We ran out of chips, so he picked up the little bowl of cheese and started scooping it out with his finger. He looks up at me, his face covered in orange cheese, and says "I yike this cheese."
Really? Couldn't tell.
This morning at the gym, I went back in the kid's club room after working out. Wyatt was surrounded by those big Lego-like blocks. I asked "What did you build?"
"A sign."
"What did it say?"
Sometimes I just wish I could follow him around with a recorder. He says such funny things all the time and I never remember them to blog them.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The blue car wash
He was saying he wanted to do something this morning (don't remember what) and I said no. He looks at me with this intense stare and says "Are you arguing with me, Mommy?"
I cracked up!
He is also being cute, saying things like "I a skunk" and making a spraying motion with his hand while making the noise.
He is making a gun out of his hand and saying "Shoot! Shoot! I shoot that cactus, Mommy!"
When he gets frustrated, he says "I hit you Mommy!" and I say "Do you want me to hit you too?" He says "No." and I say "Then don't hit me. It hurts." Sometimes, he'll run up and hug me then and say cute things like "I no hurt you mama."
He's been calling me "Mommy-O." ???? LOL.
He is OBSESSED with car washes. I don't get it and have never seen another child just obsessed with something to this degree. Here's what it is like driving down the road with him:
"That station have a car wash?"
"No, that's a QT. They don't have car washes."
"No, it does. It does."
"It doesn't have a car wash."
"Oh. That station have a car wash?"
"You know it does, Wyatt. We have used that car wash before."
"It open?"
"Yes, it's open."
"It red?"
"Yes, I think that one is red."
"Where the nice car wash?" (the "nice" one is the one where you get out of the car and watch it go through - he doesn't like being IN the car wash)
"It's at 51st and Bell."
"Oh.... It open?"
"No, it closes at 6."
"Inside open?"
"The store?"
"Yeh. Yes."
"Yes, the store is open."
"Where blue car wash?"
"The one at the Chevron?"
"Yes. It open?"
"Yes, it is open until 8."
"Oh. I wan go in it."
"You want to go in the car wash?"
"Ok, let's go."
"NO!! No car wash! Car go in car wash. Not us. Not us."
"There a car wash that way?"
"Yes, there's car washes everywhere."
"It have brushes?"
"Some of them have brushes."
This is the conversation the ENTIRE time we are in the car. I am tired just typing it. LOL.
Then when we get home, he wants to watch car wash videos. On YouTube, they have videos of car washes. I don't know why. I don't mean funny videos (although they have those too). I mean, just 9 minutes of a car being washed at a car wash. Wyatt will sit still watching them for an hour. Then will cry when I tell him that's enough.
At my mom's, they do Google Image searches for car washes and he looks at pictures of car washes.
Last night, he called "Mommy! Mommy!" from his bed. I ran in there and he said "The blue car wash." I asked if he had a dream about a car wash and he said yes. Then he fell back asleep and was doing those adorable sleep smiles, and one giggle. I guess it was a good car wash dream. ???
I try keeping him focused on basketball, toys, even tv. And he'll do other things. But he is currently VERY out-of-balance toward car washes. I don't get it.
I cracked up!
He is also being cute, saying things like "I a skunk" and making a spraying motion with his hand while making the noise.
He is making a gun out of his hand and saying "Shoot! Shoot! I shoot that cactus, Mommy!"
When he gets frustrated, he says "I hit you Mommy!" and I say "Do you want me to hit you too?" He says "No." and I say "Then don't hit me. It hurts." Sometimes, he'll run up and hug me then and say cute things like "I no hurt you mama."
He's been calling me "Mommy-O." ???? LOL.
He is OBSESSED with car washes. I don't get it and have never seen another child just obsessed with something to this degree. Here's what it is like driving down the road with him:
"That station have a car wash?"
"No, that's a QT. They don't have car washes."
"No, it does. It does."
"It doesn't have a car wash."
"Oh. That station have a car wash?"
"You know it does, Wyatt. We have used that car wash before."
"It open?"
"Yes, it's open."
"It red?"
"Yes, I think that one is red."
"Where the nice car wash?" (the "nice" one is the one where you get out of the car and watch it go through - he doesn't like being IN the car wash)
"It's at 51st and Bell."
"Oh.... It open?"
"No, it closes at 6."
"Inside open?"
"The store?"
"Yeh. Yes."
"Yes, the store is open."
"Where blue car wash?"
"The one at the Chevron?"
"Yes. It open?"
"Yes, it is open until 8."
"Oh. I wan go in it."
"You want to go in the car wash?"
"Ok, let's go."
"NO!! No car wash! Car go in car wash. Not us. Not us."
"There a car wash that way?"
"Yes, there's car washes everywhere."
"It have brushes?"
"Some of them have brushes."
This is the conversation the ENTIRE time we are in the car. I am tired just typing it. LOL.
Then when we get home, he wants to watch car wash videos. On YouTube, they have videos of car washes. I don't know why. I don't mean funny videos (although they have those too). I mean, just 9 minutes of a car being washed at a car wash. Wyatt will sit still watching them for an hour. Then will cry when I tell him that's enough.
At my mom's, they do Google Image searches for car washes and he looks at pictures of car washes.
Last night, he called "Mommy! Mommy!" from his bed. I ran in there and he said "The blue car wash." I asked if he had a dream about a car wash and he said yes. Then he fell back asleep and was doing those adorable sleep smiles, and one giggle. I guess it was a good car wash dream. ???
I try keeping him focused on basketball, toys, even tv. And he'll do other things. But he is currently VERY out-of-balance toward car washes. I don't get it.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Ready or not...
(and eight, nine, ten, leven... over and over til I yell "OK come find me!!!")
(and eight, nine, ten, leven... over and over til I yell "OK come find me!!!")
Monday, March 29, 2010
First some cute Wyatt things I want to remember.
The other day, he threw the blanket over his head and shouted "Where's ME?"
We've been playing hide and seek. Well, I hide and he seeks. He goes over to the couch and counts:
"One! Two! Three! Five! Six! Eight! Nine! Ten! Leven! Five! Six! Nine! Ten! Leven!"
"Re-ee or not, heh I come!"
It is precious. I took some video of it.
Whenever we go to a mall, he asks if they have an alligator. It took me a bit to realize he meant ELEVATOR.
Along the same line, whenever he is pointing out the tires of a car, he'll say "Tigers!"
He has this thing where he'll yell "SUPERMAN!" then "FIRECRACKER!" I have NO IDEA what it means or what those two things have to do with each other. But even if I say "Superman", he'll say "firecracker!". He has no idea who Superman is, by the way. ????
He has this love/hate relationship with the car wash. He's obsessed with asking about them... where one is, if we can see it, etc. But does NOT want to go in there! We ate at Denny's last week and it was next to a car wash, so we walked over there and peered in. It was off, so I ran in there and Wyatt flipped. "NO, MAMA! NO!!!! COME HERE! COME HERE!!!" I said "Look, it's ok. Nothing bad is happening to me." but he wouldn't go for it.
He even had a bad dream the other day about the car wash and woke up crying "Car wash! Car wash!" and I had to comfort him back to sleep.
He is still obsessed with bodily functions too. I picked him up to put him in his crib the other night. I always scoop him up and say "Scoop a Wyatt!" and he answers "Scoop mama" with that sweet little sleepy smile. The other day he added "I poop on you Mama." LOL.
This morning he was lying on his front with his butt up in the air. He tooted and it was one of those hollow air ones that just sounded like a whoosh. He cracked up laughing and yelled "I want to do that again!!!" and kept straining trying to toot. LOL.
The other day, he threw the blanket over his head and shouted "Where's ME?"
We've been playing hide and seek. Well, I hide and he seeks. He goes over to the couch and counts:
"One! Two! Three! Five! Six! Eight! Nine! Ten! Leven! Five! Six! Nine! Ten! Leven!"
"Re-ee or not, heh I come!"
It is precious. I took some video of it.
Whenever we go to a mall, he asks if they have an alligator. It took me a bit to realize he meant ELEVATOR.
Along the same line, whenever he is pointing out the tires of a car, he'll say "Tigers!"
He has this thing where he'll yell "SUPERMAN!" then "FIRECRACKER!" I have NO IDEA what it means or what those two things have to do with each other. But even if I say "Superman", he'll say "firecracker!". He has no idea who Superman is, by the way. ????
He has this love/hate relationship with the car wash. He's obsessed with asking about them... where one is, if we can see it, etc. But does NOT want to go in there! We ate at Denny's last week and it was next to a car wash, so we walked over there and peered in. It was off, so I ran in there and Wyatt flipped. "NO, MAMA! NO!!!! COME HERE! COME HERE!!!" I said "Look, it's ok. Nothing bad is happening to me." but he wouldn't go for it.
He even had a bad dream the other day about the car wash and woke up crying "Car wash! Car wash!" and I had to comfort him back to sleep.
He is still obsessed with bodily functions too. I picked him up to put him in his crib the other night. I always scoop him up and say "Scoop a Wyatt!" and he answers "Scoop mama" with that sweet little sleepy smile. The other day he added "I poop on you Mama." LOL.
This morning he was lying on his front with his butt up in the air. He tooted and it was one of those hollow air ones that just sounded like a whoosh. He cracked up laughing and yelled "I want to do that again!!!" and kept straining trying to toot. LOL.
He likes Yo Gabba Gabba, but for some strange reason, likes Gooble.
Gooble is not a main character. He's this white ghost-dildo-looking thing that just walks around crying all the time.
He kept asking why Gooble was crying and DH said "He broke his toe."
So now every time Gooble comes on, Wyatt asks me "He break his toe?"
And when Gooble isn't on...
"Gooble is?"
"He is at his home right now."
"Gooble is?"
"He's not on right now."
"Gooble is?"
He always asks where things are that way...
"Grandma is?"
"My cup is?"
"Blankie is?"
Is it wrong to be conflicted between wanting him to talk correctly and wanting to hold on to all his cute little Wyatt-isms for as long as possible?
Gooble is not a main character. He's this white ghost-dildo-looking thing that just walks around crying all the time.
He kept asking why Gooble was crying and DH said "He broke his toe."
So now every time Gooble comes on, Wyatt asks me "He break his toe?"
And when Gooble isn't on...
"Gooble is?"
"He is at his home right now."
"Gooble is?"
"He's not on right now."
"Gooble is?"
He always asks where things are that way...
"Grandma is?"
"My cup is?"
"Blankie is?"
Is it wrong to be conflicted between wanting him to talk correctly and wanting to hold on to all his cute little Wyatt-isms for as long as possible?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Jsuh-jsuh towels
A long time ago at a restaurant, Wyatt discovered automatic paper towels in the restroom.
He loved them, and made 20 or so towels pop out, giggling all the time.
When talking about it later, we would make the noise of the dispenser, which is kinda a mechanical sounding "jshuh-jshuh". The first part of the sound is kinda a cross between a soft sh and a j or soft g sound.
Eventually, he would ask if a place has "jshuh-jsuh towels", so we'd always have to go find out.
Now, the term has expanded to anything automatic.
Restrooms can have jshuh-jshuh towels, jshuh-jshuh potties, jshuh-jshuh soap.
Stores have jshuh-jshuh doors if they are the automatically opening ones.
We've seen jshuh-jshuh trash cans.
Now I see Lysol or someone just came out with an automatic soap dispenser for the home. I can't WAIT to get one!!! Wyatt will be so excited to have his own jshuh-jshuh soap!!!
He loved them, and made 20 or so towels pop out, giggling all the time.
When talking about it later, we would make the noise of the dispenser, which is kinda a mechanical sounding "jshuh-jshuh". The first part of the sound is kinda a cross between a soft sh and a j or soft g sound.
Eventually, he would ask if a place has "jshuh-jsuh towels", so we'd always have to go find out.
Now, the term has expanded to anything automatic.
Restrooms can have jshuh-jshuh towels, jshuh-jshuh potties, jshuh-jshuh soap.
Stores have jshuh-jshuh doors if they are the automatically opening ones.
We've seen jshuh-jshuh trash cans.
Now I see Lysol or someone just came out with an automatic soap dispenser for the home. I can't WAIT to get one!!! Wyatt will be so excited to have his own jshuh-jshuh soap!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
HAYRIDE! A story of barf and the kindness of strangers
Saturday, Wyatt was talking about the state fair and the "bumpy Jeeps" ride he loved so much. He said he wanted to go to the fair. I said "Well, the fair isn't open right now, but let's go to the computer and see what is happening right now."
I found "Agriculture Day" at a local park. There were to be booths and activities, a petting zoo, and a hayride. All this can be yours for 3 cans of soup.
So I told him and he was excited.
We got to the park and couldn't find the area it was being held in. The place was HUGE. So we walked and walked and walked. Finally got directions and were heading over. Wyatt started having a coughing fit. Then he said "Mama!" in the saddest voice and reached up to have me pick him up. I started picking him up and...
He threw up. All over me. All over him. All over the sidewalk. It was horrible.
I had left the diaper bag in the car, not knowing how far we were going to be walking to get to this Agriculture Day bonanza. Another mom ran over with her wipes box open and let me take about 20 wipes to get Wyatt and me to the point where we didn't have upchuck hanging from our clothes. I thanked her profusely.
Then I told Wyatt "Ok buddy. We are going to have to go back home and change clothes."
A look of sheer despair came across his face.
"NO! NO!", he started crying. "Hayride. Hayride."
His heart was breaking, and what kind of mom would let that happen?
"Ok, ok... we'll go on the hayride. C'mon. People will just have to deal with the smell of vomit on the hayride, but they'll live."
We got to the entrance of Agriculture Day, and I deposited my cans in the donation box. Wyatt started asking for water. Well, of course he did. He just threw up.
And of course... I had left our water in the car, thinking we'd only be here 30-40 minutes. An hour max. We'd live without water.
We wandered around looking for a water fountain. There were none to be found. There was a booth offering water. For a dollar. And you guessed it... I left my money in the car.
What can I say? I like to travel light.
We found the area for the hayride and Wyatt kept asking for water. I felt horrible and had nothing to offer him. I told him we'd go back to the car and get our water after the hayride.
A man next to us in line gave me a look. I don't know if it was due to the stench of vomit emanating from our clothing or the fact that my son was asking for water and I had none, but I felt compelled to tell him the whole story.
We continued to wait and finally got on the hayride. We sat down and the man I was talking to came over to us and... handed us a bottle of water. He had gone back to the booth selling water and bought one for us. I almost cried. That was so nice and so unexpected and so relieving.
I thanked him profusely, feeling like a loser mom but happy that my son had water. I opened the water and Wyatt guzzled it. 
Then the hayride started. It was ok for me. Nothing exciting. But Wyatt loved it and wanted to do it again. And that is what it is all about.

Then we went home and changed clothes.
The end.
I found "Agriculture Day" at a local park. There were to be booths and activities, a petting zoo, and a hayride. All this can be yours for 3 cans of soup.
So I told him and he was excited.
We got to the park and couldn't find the area it was being held in. The place was HUGE. So we walked and walked and walked. Finally got directions and were heading over. Wyatt started having a coughing fit. Then he said "Mama!" in the saddest voice and reached up to have me pick him up. I started picking him up and...
He threw up. All over me. All over him. All over the sidewalk. It was horrible.
I had left the diaper bag in the car, not knowing how far we were going to be walking to get to this Agriculture Day bonanza. Another mom ran over with her wipes box open and let me take about 20 wipes to get Wyatt and me to the point where we didn't have upchuck hanging from our clothes. I thanked her profusely.
Then I told Wyatt "Ok buddy. We are going to have to go back home and change clothes."
A look of sheer despair came across his face.
"NO! NO!", he started crying. "Hayride. Hayride."
His heart was breaking, and what kind of mom would let that happen?
"Ok, ok... we'll go on the hayride. C'mon. People will just have to deal with the smell of vomit on the hayride, but they'll live."
We got to the entrance of Agriculture Day, and I deposited my cans in the donation box. Wyatt started asking for water. Well, of course he did. He just threw up.
And of course... I had left our water in the car, thinking we'd only be here 30-40 minutes. An hour max. We'd live without water.
We wandered around looking for a water fountain. There were none to be found. There was a booth offering water. For a dollar. And you guessed it... I left my money in the car.
What can I say? I like to travel light.
We found the area for the hayride and Wyatt kept asking for water. I felt horrible and had nothing to offer him. I told him we'd go back to the car and get our water after the hayride.
A man next to us in line gave me a look. I don't know if it was due to the stench of vomit emanating from our clothing or the fact that my son was asking for water and I had none, but I felt compelled to tell him the whole story.
We continued to wait and finally got on the hayride. We sat down and the man I was talking to came over to us and... handed us a bottle of water. He had gone back to the booth selling water and bought one for us. I almost cried. That was so nice and so unexpected and so relieving.
Then the hayride started. It was ok for me. Nothing exciting. But Wyatt loved it and wanted to do it again. And that is what it is all about.
Then we went home and changed clothes.
The end.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
'Tinky little boy
Wyatt was sitting on the sink making squinting faces at himself repeating "One eye open, one eye closed. One eye open, one eye closed..." over and over.
I watched for a minute and said "Are you trying to WINK?"
"Yes." LOL
He walked up to my mom and said "Peee-ewwww"
My mom said "Pee ewww?"
And he said "Yes. I a tinky little boy." LOL
He said "Play ball?"
And I said "Sure. Go in your room and get your ball and I will play with you."
So he runs into his room, closes the door behind him and locks it (his new thing).
Then the door immediately opens again and he runs back out. He gets this super-serious look on his face and says "I be right back.", then turns around and runs into his room again, closing the door behind him. LOL.
I say "You're my little cutie pie."
He answers. "No. You my little cutie pie, mama."
I say "I love you."
And he says "I love you too."

That one is the best.
I watched for a minute and said "Are you trying to WINK?"
"Yes." LOL
He walked up to my mom and said "Peee-ewwww"
My mom said "Pee ewww?"
And he said "Yes. I a tinky little boy." LOL
He said "Play ball?"
And I said "Sure. Go in your room and get your ball and I will play with you."
So he runs into his room, closes the door behind him and locks it (his new thing).
Then the door immediately opens again and he runs back out. He gets this super-serious look on his face and says "I be right back.", then turns around and runs into his room again, closing the door behind him. LOL.
I say "You're my little cutie pie."
He answers. "No. You my little cutie pie, mama."
I say "I love you."
And he says "I love you too."
That one is the best.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Shoes, baby!
This morning I heard the garbage truck so I grabbed Wyatt and ran outside with him so he could watch it.
I was barefoot so I said "Ok, Mommy has to go in now. My feet are cold!"
And he looked at me with a big smile and yelled "Shoes, baby!"
I about died.
I was barefoot so I said "Ok, Mommy has to go in now. My feet are cold!"
And he looked at me with a big smile and yelled "Shoes, baby!"
I about died.
Monday, February 1, 2010
I always call Wyatt my puffalump. Well yesterday Wyatt started saying "He's MY puffalump." and cracking up laughing at himself. I say "No... he's MY puffalump" and he keeps arguing with me. So cute.
I went in my office and one of the cats had made a mess on the floor, so I yelled "OH GOSH!!!!" and Wyatt yelled from in the other room "WHAT!?!?!" I didn't answer so he said "WHAT?!?!" more insistently. I said "One of the cats pooped on the floor!" and he said "Oh."
ETA: Wyatt can now cut with scissors. He even holds them correctly. So smart!
I went in my office and one of the cats had made a mess on the floor, so I yelled "OH GOSH!!!!" and Wyatt yelled from in the other room "WHAT!?!?!" I didn't answer so he said "WHAT?!?!" more insistently. I said "One of the cats pooped on the floor!" and he said "Oh."
ETA: Wyatt can now cut with scissors. He even holds them correctly. So smart!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So a while back, my sister made the mistake of calling someone a "*****" in front of Wyatt. He repeated it and of course my family made the mistake of cracking up laughing. That lasted a while. Luckily he really likes the song "Down in a Ditch" so anytime he said "*****", I would either say "You want to go to the beach?" or start singing Down in a Ditch (which he would then copy - so cute "Down Ditch Son-a gun").
Now he has picked up both "What the hell?" and "Fart" from somewhere....
When he says "What the hell?" I say "No, what the heck" and won't answer him until he says "heck".
When he says "fart", I say "Mommy doesn't like that word. We say toot." and I just don't laugh or react at all.
I am hoping that the not reacting will stop the cussing, because I don't like it (athough the way he says "what the hell" is SOOOOO adorable).
DH cusses a lot, but has gotten better since Wyatt's been copying us. DH's family cusses a lot. My family cusses a lot. I am trying to get everyone to stop around Wyatt, but it is hard.
I am hoping I can just keep working on it and he'll stop.
On another note, WHY do boys naturally think talking about pee and poop and butts is so funny???? I don't get it. Say "poop" and Wyatt will have a laughing fit. ????
Now he has picked up both "What the hell?" and "Fart" from somewhere....
When he says "What the hell?" I say "No, what the heck" and won't answer him until he says "heck".
When he says "fart", I say "Mommy doesn't like that word. We say toot." and I just don't laugh or react at all.
I am hoping that the not reacting will stop the cussing, because I don't like it (athough the way he says "what the hell" is SOOOOO adorable).
DH cusses a lot, but has gotten better since Wyatt's been copying us. DH's family cusses a lot. My family cusses a lot. I am trying to get everyone to stop around Wyatt, but it is hard.
I am hoping I can just keep working on it and he'll stop.
On another note, WHY do boys naturally think talking about pee and poop and butts is so funny???? I don't get it. Say "poop" and Wyatt will have a laughing fit. ????
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Creepy incident and random ramblings
Ok, we had a weird thing happen the other day too.
I was sorting clothes and Wyatt was in the bath (my closet is right there off the bathroom). DH was in the garage working. There was no tv or radio on.
All of a sudden a man's voice said "Hello." Clear as day.
I whipped my head up and I said "Wyatt, did you hear that?"
He said "Yes."
I said "What did you hear?"
He said... "Hello."
It was DEFINITELY not Wyatt who said it the first time. It was a somewhat deep male voice.
So I tried forgetting it, but Wyatt keeps bringing it up. He says "Bath. 'hello' " in that same matter-of-fact tone the voice said it in. And I say "Don't bring that up. That was creepy." And he says "Yes, creepy. 'hello'. "
I have no idea what that was.
In other news, Wyatt is talking like crazy.
We were getting his boogers yesterday with QTips. He likes it when I do one side and he does the other. So he does his side and pulls out a giant booger. And he says...
I almost died. Apparently I say that when I get one and am not conscious of it, but it was funny.
Then later he said "Holy mackerel!" again and I laughed. He said "Holy mackerel and cheese." and starts cracking up. LOL. I guess mackerel sounds like macaroni.
Then he was playing a game where he would turn my head away, say "POOP!!!!" as loud as he could, and I would turn my head back toward him with a shocked look on my face. I actually recorded it, because I've been trying to record some stuff on the voice recorder. He quits being cute if I pull out the video camera.
We were going to pick up DH for dinner last night and I told him we were picking up Daddy. He said "Go Flagstaff?" I said no. He said "No. Next weekend." LOL. I said "Maybe. Depends on how much snow is up there." He mulls for a second then says "Home Depot." I say "You want to go to Home Depot????" "Yes."
No idea where he got that. We haven't gone to Home Depot since before Christmas.
He keeps me laughing. He is just so sweet.
Ok, we had a weird thing happen the other day too.
I was sorting clothes and Wyatt was in the bath (my closet is right there off the bathroom). DH was in the garage working. There was no tv or radio on.
All of a sudden a man's voice said "Hello." Clear as day.
I whipped my head up and I said "Wyatt, did you hear that?"
He said "Yes."
I said "What did you hear?"
He said... "Hello."
It was DEFINITELY not Wyatt who said it the first time. It was a somewhat deep male voice.
So I tried forgetting it, but Wyatt keeps bringing it up. He says "Bath. 'hello' " in that same matter-of-fact tone the voice said it in. And I say "Don't bring that up. That was creepy." And he says "Yes, creepy. 'hello'. "
I have no idea what that was.
In other news, Wyatt is talking like crazy.
We were getting his boogers yesterday with QTips. He likes it when I do one side and he does the other. So he does his side and pulls out a giant booger. And he says...
I almost died. Apparently I say that when I get one and am not conscious of it, but it was funny.
Then later he said "Holy mackerel!" again and I laughed. He said "Holy mackerel and cheese." and starts cracking up. LOL. I guess mackerel sounds like macaroni.
Then he was playing a game where he would turn my head away, say "POOP!!!!" as loud as he could, and I would turn my head back toward him with a shocked look on my face. I actually recorded it, because I've been trying to record some stuff on the voice recorder. He quits being cute if I pull out the video camera.
We were going to pick up DH for dinner last night and I told him we were picking up Daddy. He said "Go Flagstaff?" I said no. He said "No. Next weekend." LOL. I said "Maybe. Depends on how much snow is up there." He mulls for a second then says "Home Depot." I say "You want to go to Home Depot????" "Yes."
No idea where he got that. We haven't gone to Home Depot since before Christmas.
He keeps me laughing. He is just so sweet.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Bad dream... and a few cute Wyatt tidbits
First, the cute stuff.
1. Wyatt pedaled his little bicycle all the way around the block yesterday! He's been having trouble remembering to keep pushing his legs forward, so he's been stopping and going and getting frustrated. But yesterday, he just "got it". It was SOOOO cute.
2. Wyatt learned how to say "What's that up there?" and when I look, he throws a wet washcloth at me. LOL. I did it to him a couple times, then he looked at me, pointed to the roof and said "What dat up dere?" and I looked. He giggled, then threw the washcloth at me. Then wanted to do it again and again and again.
3. Wyatt was "babbling", going "BA DA BA DA BOO DOO!!!" really loud, and I said "Wyatt! Quit yelling nonsense!" He stopped and immediately starting yelling "NON sense! NON sense! NOOOOOOOONNNNNNNsense!" over and over. Then the "non" part became a scream, so he was screaming "NOOOONNNN" and adding "sense" in a regular voice after. I was dying laughing. I got some of it on video. LOL.
4. He said for the first time yesterday "I love you too." Usually, he will say "love you" if I say it first, but when I said it yesterday, I got "I love you too." So sweet. I love him.
Last night, I had a horrible dream. I dreamed I was in Haiti for the quake. I dreamed we were by a coast and the water was getting higher and higher. So we were trying to escape falling buildings and rising water. It was so scary.
And I woke up and had to go get Wyatt out of his crib and bring him to my bed to hold him. I can't imagine all the mommies over there with missing children. And the children with dead mommies and daddies.
And i just had the strongest most scary understanding that although I will always do everything in my power to keep Wyatt safe, that everything is NOT in my power. That's a scary realization. I just want him to be safe.
I feel so bad for the people over there and everything they are going through right now. I can see in my mind their frantic desperation to get through the rubble to their loved ones, hopefully alive underneath.
But for the grace of God go I. And we. So scary if you really let it get to you.
I try to live my life with cognizance that all we are guaranteed is this moment. You never know what's coming down. I try to make the best of every second I have, both as an individual, and as a mommy. But man. A dream like that makes me feel the weight of the reality. Anything can happen any moment to just take it all away.
1. Wyatt pedaled his little bicycle all the way around the block yesterday! He's been having trouble remembering to keep pushing his legs forward, so he's been stopping and going and getting frustrated. But yesterday, he just "got it". It was SOOOO cute.
2. Wyatt learned how to say "What's that up there?" and when I look, he throws a wet washcloth at me. LOL. I did it to him a couple times, then he looked at me, pointed to the roof and said "What dat up dere?" and I looked. He giggled, then threw the washcloth at me. Then wanted to do it again and again and again.
3. Wyatt was "babbling", going "BA DA BA DA BOO DOO!!!" really loud, and I said "Wyatt! Quit yelling nonsense!" He stopped and immediately starting yelling "NON sense! NON sense! NOOOOOOOONNNNNNNsense!" over and over. Then the "non" part became a scream, so he was screaming "NOOOONNNN" and adding "sense" in a regular voice after. I was dying laughing. I got some of it on video. LOL.
4. He said for the first time yesterday "I love you too." Usually, he will say "love you" if I say it first, but when I said it yesterday, I got "I love you too." So sweet. I love him.
Last night, I had a horrible dream. I dreamed I was in Haiti for the quake. I dreamed we were by a coast and the water was getting higher and higher. So we were trying to escape falling buildings and rising water. It was so scary.
And I woke up and had to go get Wyatt out of his crib and bring him to my bed to hold him. I can't imagine all the mommies over there with missing children. And the children with dead mommies and daddies.
And i just had the strongest most scary understanding that although I will always do everything in my power to keep Wyatt safe, that everything is NOT in my power. That's a scary realization. I just want him to be safe.
I feel so bad for the people over there and everything they are going through right now. I can see in my mind their frantic desperation to get through the rubble to their loved ones, hopefully alive underneath.
But for the grace of God go I. And we. So scary if you really let it get to you.
I try to live my life with cognizance that all we are guaranteed is this moment. You never know what's coming down. I try to make the best of every second I have, both as an individual, and as a mommy. But man. A dream like that makes me feel the weight of the reality. Anything can happen any moment to just take it all away.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Ornaments (a short story)
Wyatt sat at the table sipping his coffee watching Ann pull Christmas ornaments out of the storage boxes and place them on the tree. This was the tradition. He put up the lights. She put up the ornaments. He'd done his part and was now watching her do hers.
He ran his fingers through his hair. He was lucky. He had inherited his dad's thick wavy hair. At 49, there was still no sign of a receding hairline. He did have some silver in there, but it blended into his red hair so well, nobody could tell but him.
Ann had thick hair as well, but hers was dark brown, almost black. It was funny that Rich had ended up with Ann's hair and Barbara had red like her father.
Wyatt thought about his family. He had lost his mother this year and this would be the first Christmas without her. She had been a constant source of love and support in his life, as well as in Ann’s, Rich’s and Barbara's. It would be hard this year without her.
His dad had remarried five months after his mother's death. Dad had found a young thing, only 68, and they carried on like teenagers. His mother would have found it amusing, and so did he. He was glad his dad was enjoying his life.
Ann's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Yes?” he asked.
"Look at this." She held a small piece of paper. He got out of his chair and took the paper from her.
Wyatt, you are eight today. You like music and drawing and computers. Your homework is getting too hard for me to help you, but luckily you are smart and don't need much help. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. 2014
He studied his mother's funny handwriting. Half cursive and half print. "Where was this?” he asked.
"In here," Ann replied, holding up a box to one of the Swarovski ornaments Wyatt's mother had given them. She had bought one every year from the time Wyatt was born, and had presented the entire collection, along with other special ornaments, to them when they married.
"Huh." Wyatt picked up another ornament. The box said 2009. He pulled the ornament all the way out of the box, and sure enough a small piece of paper was folded under the plastic holder.
Wyatt, you are two. You like garbage trucks, gas trucks, and motorcycles. You are so much fun and are talking up a storm. I love you more than anything else in the whole wide world. 2009
Wyatt and Ann opened every ornament. In each one, a short note from Wyatt's mother was hidden in the back.
Wyatt winced a little when he got to 2022.
Wyatt, you are 16. I know you don't like me very much right now, but I love you. You like BAD music and loud movies. I love you more than anything else in the whole world.
He had caused her so much worry back then. But it was only a short blip in their lives and she was a friend again by the time he was in his early twenties.
His whole life was recorded in the short notes. The year he broke his arm, his high school and college graduations, his marriage, the birth of his children (she was SO excited!), Rich and Barbara's high school graduations. It was all there.
He remembered when he was small and he would help his mother put the ornaments on the tree. She’d tell him she would give them to him when he got married and he couldn’t wait for them to be his. He’d sit and watch the crystal facets sparkle against the lights on the tree and dream of having the ornaments on his own tree. Now of course, he’d give the ornaments up in a second if he could have one more day with his mother.
He thought of something she’d said once when they were discussing the ornaments. How houses, cars, and all the things in our lives are just ornaments. They make life sparkly and pretty, but what really matters is whether you have joy. Because if you don’t have joy, the ornaments in life don’t mean much.
Wyatt had joy. His wife, his children, their silly dog, his career… it was all fulfilling and meaningful. And his mother had been a big influence in fostering his ability to not only create a life of meaning, but also to appreciate it. He missed her every day.
He was suddenly tired. Too much thinking. He sighed and put his arms around Ann. “I’m going to lie down.”
“Ok,” she said with a soft smile. “Good night.”
They kissed and exchanged ‘I love you’s and Wyatt walked down the hall to their bedroom. The house was quiet now with both children in college, but it was full of love and memories.
Ann went to the suitcase in the hall closet and pulled out the last ornament Wyatt’s mother had bought. It was last year’s issue, and she had given it to Ann in January, only a month before she was gone. Ann opened it and looked behind the plastic. No note.
No surprise. It would have been more surprising had there been one considering his mother’s condition at the end.
Ann hung the ornament on the tree carefully. She put the box in the storage container along with all the others, their hidden notes tucked back safely behind the plastic holders.
She shut off the light to join Wyatt in bed, then suddenly turned around and flicked it back on. She took the newest ornament box back out and walked over to the counter. She pulled a piece of paper off the note pad by the phone.
She wrote.
Wyatt, you are 49. You lost your mother in February this year and it was really hard on you. You like music, fishing, and golf. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. 2056
She pushed the note inside the ornament box and placed the box carefully on top of the others. She made a mental note to go to the mall tomorrow and get an ornament for this year.
Then Ann turned off the light and went to bed.
I collect the yearly Swarovski ornaments with the goal of giving them to Wyatt when he gets married. I write notes and hide them in the back and when I was putting the ornaments back in the boxes last night, I imagined him finding the notes someday. This story came to mind and I couldn't get it out of my head until I wrote it.
He ran his fingers through his hair. He was lucky. He had inherited his dad's thick wavy hair. At 49, there was still no sign of a receding hairline. He did have some silver in there, but it blended into his red hair so well, nobody could tell but him.
Ann had thick hair as well, but hers was dark brown, almost black. It was funny that Rich had ended up with Ann's hair and Barbara had red like her father.
Wyatt thought about his family. He had lost his mother this year and this would be the first Christmas without her. She had been a constant source of love and support in his life, as well as in Ann’s, Rich’s and Barbara's. It would be hard this year without her.
His dad had remarried five months after his mother's death. Dad had found a young thing, only 68, and they carried on like teenagers. His mother would have found it amusing, and so did he. He was glad his dad was enjoying his life.
Ann's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Yes?” he asked.
"Look at this." She held a small piece of paper. He got out of his chair and took the paper from her.
Wyatt, you are eight today. You like music and drawing and computers. Your homework is getting too hard for me to help you, but luckily you are smart and don't need much help. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. 2014
He studied his mother's funny handwriting. Half cursive and half print. "Where was this?” he asked.
"In here," Ann replied, holding up a box to one of the Swarovski ornaments Wyatt's mother had given them. She had bought one every year from the time Wyatt was born, and had presented the entire collection, along with other special ornaments, to them when they married.
"Huh." Wyatt picked up another ornament. The box said 2009. He pulled the ornament all the way out of the box, and sure enough a small piece of paper was folded under the plastic holder.
Wyatt, you are two. You like garbage trucks, gas trucks, and motorcycles. You are so much fun and are talking up a storm. I love you more than anything else in the whole wide world. 2009
Wyatt and Ann opened every ornament. In each one, a short note from Wyatt's mother was hidden in the back.
Wyatt winced a little when he got to 2022.
Wyatt, you are 16. I know you don't like me very much right now, but I love you. You like BAD music and loud movies. I love you more than anything else in the whole world.
He had caused her so much worry back then. But it was only a short blip in their lives and she was a friend again by the time he was in his early twenties.
His whole life was recorded in the short notes. The year he broke his arm, his high school and college graduations, his marriage, the birth of his children (she was SO excited!), Rich and Barbara's high school graduations. It was all there.
He remembered when he was small and he would help his mother put the ornaments on the tree. She’d tell him she would give them to him when he got married and he couldn’t wait for them to be his. He’d sit and watch the crystal facets sparkle against the lights on the tree and dream of having the ornaments on his own tree. Now of course, he’d give the ornaments up in a second if he could have one more day with his mother.
He thought of something she’d said once when they were discussing the ornaments. How houses, cars, and all the things in our lives are just ornaments. They make life sparkly and pretty, but what really matters is whether you have joy. Because if you don’t have joy, the ornaments in life don’t mean much.
Wyatt had joy. His wife, his children, their silly dog, his career… it was all fulfilling and meaningful. And his mother had been a big influence in fostering his ability to not only create a life of meaning, but also to appreciate it. He missed her every day.
He was suddenly tired. Too much thinking. He sighed and put his arms around Ann. “I’m going to lie down.”
“Ok,” she said with a soft smile. “Good night.”
They kissed and exchanged ‘I love you’s and Wyatt walked down the hall to their bedroom. The house was quiet now with both children in college, but it was full of love and memories.
Ann went to the suitcase in the hall closet and pulled out the last ornament Wyatt’s mother had bought. It was last year’s issue, and she had given it to Ann in January, only a month before she was gone. Ann opened it and looked behind the plastic. No note.
No surprise. It would have been more surprising had there been one considering his mother’s condition at the end.
Ann hung the ornament on the tree carefully. She put the box in the storage container along with all the others, their hidden notes tucked back safely behind the plastic holders.
She shut off the light to join Wyatt in bed, then suddenly turned around and flicked it back on. She took the newest ornament box back out and walked over to the counter. She pulled a piece of paper off the note pad by the phone.
She wrote.
Wyatt, you are 49. You lost your mother in February this year and it was really hard on you. You like music, fishing, and golf. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world. 2056
She pushed the note inside the ornament box and placed the box carefully on top of the others. She made a mental note to go to the mall tomorrow and get an ornament for this year.
Then Ann turned off the light and went to bed.
I collect the yearly Swarovski ornaments with the goal of giving them to Wyatt when he gets married. I write notes and hide them in the back and when I was putting the ornaments back in the boxes last night, I imagined him finding the notes someday. This story came to mind and I couldn't get it out of my head until I wrote it.
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