Wyatt: "I a duck! Quack! Quack! Quack!"
Me: (laughing)
Me: "I love you, duck."
Wyatt" "I yuv you, kicken."
Me: "You're my little sweetheart."
Wyatt: "You my yittle sweet-heart, Mommy."
Wyatt: "That twuck have a smoke-snack?" (smokestack-hahahah!)
Wyatt: (grabbing my leg forcefully) "RAWWWWWRRR! I EVIL!!!!"
Wyatt: "Where my gween goggles?"
Me: (??????????) "Your WHAT?"
Wyatt: "My gween goggles!" (grabs my face so I pay complete attention) "My GOGGLES!"
Me: (????????) "Ummmm. You don't have any goggles, honey."
Me: (pondering what we just bought that was green, hoping for a revelation) "OHHH! You mean your green FLIP FLOPS?"
Wyatt: "YES! Fwip fwops! Where my gween fwip fwops?"
I have no idea why flip-flops became GOGGLES in his head. LOL
In the pool.
Wyatt: "Mommy! Say ya-ya-ya! Say ya-ya-ya!"
Me: (floating in my float) "Ok. (singing) La, la, la! La, la, la! So relaxing. So peaceful. Nobody spashing me... just floating in my float... la, la, la..."
Wyatt: (giggling like mad while scrambling out of the pool)
Wyatt JUMPS next to me, splashing me.
Wyatt: "I spash you in da face, Mommy?"
Me: "Yes! You splashed me right in the face. That was a good one!"
Wyatt: "Yeh. Dat was a good one."
Wyatt: "Ok Mommy. Say ya-ya-ya..."
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