"No. I Daddy's punkin."
I frown.
"But it ok. I still yuv you."
Wyatt: "Where my sister?"
Me: "Honey, you don't have a sister."
Wyatt: "Yes I do. She in the pool."
Me: "Ok, if you have a sister, what is her name?"
Wyatt: (thinks for a moment)... "SHAMPOOEY!"
Me: "Hey Micky (his 18 year old cousin) is going to come over."
Wyatt: "Micky come over?.... OOOH HOW FUN!"
Me: "LOL... yeh, Micky's a good cousin."
Wyatt: "Micky a good cousin. I a good cousin too!"
We were looking at a book with a bunch of pictures of animals...
Wyatt: "That kinda a doggie."
Me: "That's a fox."
Wyatt: "He have tail yike a doggie."
Me: "Yes, he does."
Wyatt (points to owl): "He kinda yike a doggie too."
Me: "No, he's an owl. See, he has a beak?"
Wyatt: (ponders) "Yike Owl on Little Bear?"
Me: "Yes, just like Owl on Little Bear."
(I thought that was a brilliant connection!)
He is getting to where he says so many things that make me laugh, it is hard to remember them to type them out.
He's starting to really use his imagination when he is playing too. Yesterday he was "squirting that baby in the yard" with his squirt gun. ??? I asked if there was some kind of real baby (baby doll, baby animal?) and he said "No, it a pretend baby."
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