The other day, he threw the blanket over his head and shouted "Where's ME?"
We've been playing hide and seek. Well, I hide and he seeks. He goes over to the couch and counts:
"One! Two! Three! Five! Six! Eight! Nine! Ten! Leven! Five! Six! Nine! Ten! Leven!"
"Re-ee or not, heh I come!"
It is precious. I took some video of it.
Whenever we go to a mall, he asks if they have an alligator. It took me a bit to realize he meant ELEVATOR.
Along the same line, whenever he is pointing out the tires of a car, he'll say "Tigers!"
He has this thing where he'll yell "SUPERMAN!" then "FIRECRACKER!" I have NO IDEA what it means or what those two things have to do with each other. But even if I say "Superman", he'll say "firecracker!". He has no idea who Superman is, by the way. ????
He has this love/hate relationship with the car wash. He's obsessed with asking about them... where one is, if we can see it, etc. But does NOT want to go in there! We ate at Denny's last week and it was next to a car wash, so we walked over there and peered in. It was off, so I ran in there and Wyatt flipped. "NO, MAMA! NO!!!! COME HERE! COME HERE!!!" I said "Look, it's ok. Nothing bad is happening to me." but he wouldn't go for it.
He even had a bad dream the other day about the car wash and woke up crying "Car wash! Car wash!" and I had to comfort him back to sleep.
He is still obsessed with bodily functions too. I picked him up to put him in his crib the other night. I always scoop him up and say "Scoop a Wyatt!" and he answers "Scoop mama" with that sweet little sleepy smile. The other day he added "I poop on you Mama." LOL.
This morning he was lying on his front with his butt up in the air. He tooted and it was one of those hollow air ones that just sounded like a whoosh. He cracked up laughing and yelled "I want to do that again!!!" and kept straining trying to toot. LOL.
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