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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bad dream... and a few cute Wyatt tidbits

First, the cute stuff.

1. Wyatt pedaled his little bicycle all the way around the block yesterday! He's been having trouble remembering to keep pushing his legs forward, so he's been stopping and going and getting frustrated. But yesterday, he just "got it". It was SOOOO cute.

2. Wyatt learned how to say "What's that up there?" and when I look, he throws a wet washcloth at me. LOL. I did it to him a couple times, then he looked at me, pointed to the roof and said "What dat up dere?" and I looked. He giggled, then threw the washcloth at me. Then wanted to do it again and again and again.

3. Wyatt was "babbling", going "BA DA BA DA BOO DOO!!!" really loud, and I said "Wyatt! Quit yelling nonsense!" He stopped and immediately starting yelling "NON sense! NON sense! NOOOOOOOONNNNNNNsense!" over and over. Then the "non" part became a scream, so he was screaming "NOOOONNNN" and adding "sense" in a regular voice after. I was dying laughing. I got some of it on video. LOL.

4. He said for the first time yesterday "I love you too." Usually, he will say "love you" if I say it first, but when I said it yesterday, I got "I love you too." So sweet. I love him.


Last night, I had a horrible dream. I dreamed I was in Haiti for the quake. I dreamed we were by a coast and the water was getting higher and higher. So we were trying to escape falling buildings and rising water. It was so scary.

And I woke up and had to go get Wyatt out of his crib and bring him to my bed to hold him. I can't imagine all the mommies over there with missing children. And the children with dead mommies and daddies.

And i just had the strongest most scary understanding that although I will always do everything in my power to keep Wyatt safe, that everything is NOT in my power. That's a scary realization. I just want him to be safe.

I feel so bad for the people over there and everything they are going through right now. I can see in my mind their frantic desperation to get through the rubble to their loved ones, hopefully alive underneath.

But for the grace of God go I. And we. So scary if you really let it get to you.

I try to live my life with cognizance that all we are guaranteed is this moment. You never know what's coming down. I try to make the best of every second I have, both as an individual, and as a mommy. But man. A dream like that makes me feel the weight of the reality. Anything can happen any moment to just take it all away.


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