Ok, we had a weird thing happen the other day too.
I was sorting clothes and Wyatt was in the bath (my closet is right there off the bathroom). DH was in the garage working. There was no tv or radio on.
All of a sudden a man's voice said "Hello." Clear as day.
I whipped my head up and I said "Wyatt, did you hear that?"
He said "Yes."
I said "What did you hear?"
He said... "Hello."
It was DEFINITELY not Wyatt who said it the first time. It was a somewhat deep male voice.
So I tried forgetting it, but Wyatt keeps bringing it up. He says "Bath. 'hello' " in that same matter-of-fact tone the voice said it in. And I say "Don't bring that up. That was creepy." And he says "Yes, creepy. 'hello'. "
I have no idea what that was.
In other news, Wyatt is talking like crazy.
We were getting his boogers yesterday with QTips. He likes it when I do one side and he does the other. So he does his side and pulls out a giant booger. And he says...
I almost died. Apparently I say that when I get one and am not conscious of it, but it was funny.
Then later he said "Holy mackerel!" again and I laughed. He said "Holy mackerel and cheese." and starts cracking up. LOL. I guess mackerel sounds like macaroni.
Then he was playing a game where he would turn my head away, say "POOP!!!!" as loud as he could, and I would turn my head back toward him with a shocked look on my face. I actually recorded it, because I've been trying to record some stuff on the voice recorder. He quits being cute if I pull out the video camera.
We were going to pick up DH for dinner last night and I told him we were picking up Daddy. He said "Go Flagstaff?" I said no. He said "No. Next weekend." LOL. I said "Maybe. Depends on how much snow is up there." He mulls for a second then says "Home Depot." I say "You want to go to Home Depot????" "Yes."
No idea where he got that. We haven't gone to Home Depot since before Christmas.
He keeps me laughing. He is just so sweet.
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