Sometimes he asks me "What it taste yike?" and I'll say "Strawberries! MMMM!" or something. Sometimes, he tells me what it is.. "It strawberry cake! You yike it?" (or "It good?") and sometimes, he says its Starbursts, because he knows I don't like Starbursts, and he wants to see me pretend to spit it out. LOL.
It's really cute!
He fell out of his bed night before last. I asked him what happened and he said "I roll over and CLUNK." I cracked up!
I've still been moving. We were at our old house cleaning, so I stopped by Taco Bell for food. He ended up REALLY liking nachos. We ran out of chips, so he picked up the little bowl of cheese and started scooping it out with his finger. He looks up at me, his face covered in orange cheese, and says "I yike this cheese."
Really? Couldn't tell.
This morning at the gym, I went back in the kid's club room after working out. Wyatt was surrounded by those big Lego-like blocks. I asked "What did you build?"
"A sign."
"What did it say?"
Sometimes I just wish I could follow him around with a recorder. He says such funny things all the time and I never remember them to blog them.
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