"Kindergarten report: Week 3, Day 1:
"I saw a girl that Ms. Cuccia was talking about today. She only has TWO
fingers on this hand. But she has five fingers on the other hand!"
"We singed a song called 'Yittle Cabin in the Woods'. We hummed it, then
we singed it then we were just quiet and did it yike this." (making
hand movements)
"We pwayed a game where you have a beanbag and a
song tells you where to put it. I put it on my head, and my finger, and
my arm! But I still yike the freeze game better."
"Ms. Cuccia is silly. When she pways the freeze game, she freezes silly!"
Kindergarten report. Week 3, day 3:
"Riley doesn't listen. AND he doesn't know his numbers!"
"Yook what I hid in my shoe today. It's a really weird eraser!" (pulls out a typical eraser that goes on the end of a pencil.)
"Today at yunch, we had spaghetti, but instead of sauce, there was just meat on it. But I ate it all, I fink."
Kindergarten report: Week 3, day 4:
"In music cwass, Faith won the award again. Myra was yike 'Again!?' so she got an award too."
"We pwayed the fwog game today. You roll dice and have to move your fwog."
(Handing me a paper). "This is Johnny Appleseed! We watched a movie of
him today too. At the end he died. But it didn't show him dying or
"Hey Mommy... I want to go see the Gwand Canyon." Me:
"Well, we could definitely do that. It isn't far from Flagstaff." Wyatt:
"And the Gweat Wall of China!" Me: "Yeh, that one's a little tougher."
Kindy report... Week 3, day 5:
"A bunch of people are gonna be jealous today because Logan won a pwize. Peter Piper! Logan starts with an L."
"In PE, he put down all the balls and hula hoops, and I couldn't throw a
ball through the hoop. Noone could throw a ball through the hoop."
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