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Friday, August 24, 2012

Kindergarten Report, Week 2

Week 2, day 1 Kindy report:
"Today we talked about the Statue of Liv-erty! It's in the middle of the OCEAN and you can only get there by airpwane or boat."
"Ms. Cuccia (his teacher) said we can't leave cwumbs, or Mr. Mack said no more pwaying outside!"
"I ate the chicken and the corn at yunch. Well, not all the corn. Just five bites."

Week 2, day 2 Kindy report:
"Wanna know somefing funny? My Spanish teacher wore gwasses that were too big for her and a CAPE! And Ms. Cuccia took a picture of it!"
"We yearned the ABCs in Spanish!"
"I fell down in the mud today. See?" (showing me his muddy shorts)
"Yunch was good. The meat was weally good! I ate ALL of it!"
"This is the Eiffel Tower. (pointing to his drawing). Ms. Cuccia showed us a picture of it."

Kindy report, Week 2, day 4:
"In music cwass, we singed, and the kids that singed the best got AWARDS!"
"I saw a kid today with a bwoken tooth!"
"Ms. Cuccia read Harry the Dirty Dog to us today, and we had to draw something from the story."

We were walking to the car after pickup, and he stopped in front of the sign for the handicapped parking spot. He pointed to the symbol and said "Mommy, this sign says you can't go potty here."


"No, honey, that's a person in a wheelchair, not on a potty." (followed by explanation of handicapped parking spaces).

Kindy report: Week 2, Day 5:
"Today in gym cwass, we did hula hoops! I did it on my hand and on my yegs!"
(whispering to me as we were waiting this morning, pointing to a little girl) "Mommy - that's the girl who fell asleep the other day."
(Watching some boys play ball) "I fink they shouldn't throw it because they will hit somebody."
Oh and from yesterday, one I forgot: "We sang a song. It went 'A farmer had a dog, and eek-o was his name." Me: "You mean BINGO?" "Yeh, Bingo. I couldn't understand what they was saying."

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