"Kindergarten report: Week 3, Day 1:
"I saw a girl that Ms. Cuccia was talking about today. She only has TWO
fingers on this hand. But she has five fingers on the other hand!"
"We singed a song called 'Yittle Cabin in the Woods'. We hummed it, then
we singed it then we were just quiet and did it yike this." (making
hand movements)
"We pwayed a game where you have a beanbag and a
song tells you where to put it. I put it on my head, and my finger, and
my arm! But I still yike the freeze game better."
"Ms. Cuccia is silly. When she pways the freeze game, she freezes silly!"
Kindergarten report. Week 3, day 3:
"Riley doesn't listen. AND he doesn't know his numbers!"
"Yook what I hid in my shoe today. It's a really weird eraser!" (pulls out a typical eraser that goes on the end of a pencil.)
"Today at yunch, we had spaghetti, but instead of sauce, there was just meat on it. But I ate it all, I fink."
Kindergarten report: Week 3, day 4:
"In music cwass, Faith won the award again. Myra was yike 'Again!?' so she got an award too."
"We pwayed the fwog game today. You roll dice and have to move your fwog."
(Handing me a paper). "This is Johnny Appleseed! We watched a movie of
him today too. At the end he died. But it didn't show him dying or
"Hey Mommy... I want to go see the Gwand Canyon." Me:
"Well, we could definitely do that. It isn't far from Flagstaff." Wyatt:
"And the Gweat Wall of China!" Me: "Yeh, that one's a little tougher."
Kindy report... Week 3, day 5:
"A bunch of people are gonna be jealous today because Logan won a pwize. Peter Piper! Logan starts with an L."
"In PE, he put down all the balls and hula hoops, and I couldn't throw a
ball through the hoop. Noone could throw a ball through the hoop."
Welcome to my world...
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
No gifts please
"Hmmm... What are we going to get Oma (Wyatt's great-grandmother) for
her birthday? Maybe we should get Daddy to order her some flowers."
Wyatt: "I fink we should order her... a snake!"
Wyatt: "I fink we should order her... a snake!"
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wyatt drawings...
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This is a bat. |
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Celery! |
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Wyatt showing all our coloring pages in his room. |
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This is a giraffe. Pooping. |
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"I am a gorilla"... with gorillas in a jungle, of course! |
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Rainbow! |
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A scorpion! |
Friday, August 24, 2012
Kindergarten Report, Week 2
Week 2, day 1 Kindy report:
"Today we talked about the Statue of Liv-erty! It's in the middle of the OCEAN and you can only get there by airpwane or boat."
"Ms. Cuccia (his teacher) said we can't leave cwumbs, or Mr. Mack said no more pwaying outside!"
"I ate the chicken and the corn at yunch. Well, not all the corn. Just five bites."
Week 2, day 2 Kindy report:
"Wanna know somefing funny? My Spanish teacher wore gwasses that were too big for her and a CAPE! And Ms. Cuccia took a picture of it!"
"We yearned the ABCs in Spanish!"
"I fell down in the mud today. See?" (showing me his muddy shorts)
"Yunch was good. The meat was weally good! I ate ALL of it!"
"This is the Eiffel Tower. (pointing to his drawing). Ms. Cuccia showed us a picture of it."
Kindy report, Week 2, day 4:
"In music cwass, we singed, and the kids that singed the best got AWARDS!"
"I saw a kid today with a bwoken tooth!"
"Ms. Cuccia read Harry the Dirty Dog to us today, and we had to draw something from the story."
We were walking to the car after pickup, and he stopped in front of the sign for the handicapped parking spot. He pointed to the symbol and said "Mommy, this sign says you can't go potty here."
"No, honey, that's a person in a wheelchair, not on a potty." (followed by explanation of handicapped parking spaces).
Kindy report: Week 2, Day 5:
"Today in gym cwass, we did hula hoops! I did it on my hand and on my yegs!"
(whispering to me as we were waiting this morning, pointing to a little girl) "Mommy - that's the girl who fell asleep the other day."
(Watching some boys play ball) "I fink they shouldn't throw it because they will hit somebody."
Oh and from yesterday, one I forgot: "We sang a song. It went 'A farmer had a dog, and eek-o was his name." Me: "You mean BINGO?" "Yeh, Bingo. I couldn't understand what they was saying."
"Today we talked about the Statue of Liv-erty! It's in the middle of the OCEAN and you can only get there by airpwane or boat."
"Ms. Cuccia (his teacher) said we can't leave cwumbs, or Mr. Mack said no more pwaying outside!"
"I ate the chicken and the corn at yunch. Well, not all the corn. Just five bites."
Week 2, day 2 Kindy report:
"Wanna know somefing funny? My Spanish teacher wore gwasses that were too big for her and a CAPE! And Ms. Cuccia took a picture of it!"
"We yearned the ABCs in Spanish!"
"I fell down in the mud today. See?" (showing me his muddy shorts)
"Yunch was good. The meat was weally good! I ate ALL of it!"
"This is the Eiffel Tower. (pointing to his drawing). Ms. Cuccia showed us a picture of it."
Kindy report, Week 2, day 4:
"In music cwass, we singed, and the kids that singed the best got AWARDS!"
"I saw a kid today with a bwoken tooth!"
"Ms. Cuccia read Harry the Dirty Dog to us today, and we had to draw something from the story."
We were walking to the car after pickup, and he stopped in front of the sign for the handicapped parking spot. He pointed to the symbol and said "Mommy, this sign says you can't go potty here."
"No, honey, that's a person in a wheelchair, not on a potty." (followed by explanation of handicapped parking spaces).
Kindy report: Week 2, Day 5:
"Today in gym cwass, we did hula hoops! I did it on my hand and on my yegs!"
(whispering to me as we were waiting this morning, pointing to a little girl) "Mommy - that's the girl who fell asleep the other day."
(Watching some boys play ball) "I fink they shouldn't throw it because they will hit somebody."
Oh and from yesterday, one I forgot: "We sang a song. It went 'A farmer had a dog, and eek-o was his name." Me: "You mean BINGO?" "Yeh, Bingo. I couldn't understand what they was saying."
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Math concepts 101
School supply shopping for Kindergarten!
Me, walking into a huge crowd of people: "Wow, there are a lot of people here."
Wyatt, looking around: "Yeah. I fink there are infinity people here."
Me, walking into a huge crowd of people: "Wow, there are a lot of people here."
Wyatt, looking around: "Yeah. I fink there are infinity people here."
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Animal kingdom
Some of Wyatt's drawings.
Wyatt wearing the hat he made at school. :) |
An elephant. |
These are penguins! |
A kangaroo - the circle it its pouch |
Friday, August 17, 2012
Wyatt reports on Kindergarten, week one
Wyatt loved his first day. He was very happy and liked all the things they did. Some things he reported:
"The kids in my cwass aren't as loud as the kids in pweschool."
"You know when we were waiting to go in the school this morning? I felt yike I was going to throw up."
"My favowite thing was making an apple with a worm in it!"
Wyatt's second day of Kindergarten was a success. He reported:
"I didn't know where my teacher went while we ate yunch, but today she told us - she goes to her OFFICE to WORK!" (with amazed expression on his face)
"There's a yittle boy who cwies every day at recess." :(
"A boy got put in time out today for saying 'shhhh' to the teacher."
"Ryan had a bar (granola) in his yunch! I want a bar!"
"I ate all my cookies at recess today. I just held on to the wrapper until we went back inside."
"We went to Spanish cwass today and yearned some Spanish words!" Me: "What did you learn?" Wyatt: "I don't wemember!"
Third day of Kindergarten report:
"All the kids run around on the pwayground but I just walk. I am not going to pway until they get the slide." (The playground equipment is on order.)
"I went to art cwass today, but the teacher took my art. *sigh* I yiked my art."
He wouldn't say much today, so that's all I've got. :)
4th day of Kindergarten report:
"We did a pwoject today, but she hung them on the wall, so we can't take them home for a few other days. But it was a patt-ren! It went gween-owange-gween-owange!"
"I went to music today. He singed, and we singed with him!"
"I made a paper. I cut it and put animals on it! You will yike it!"
"Mommy" (pointing in the gym) "This is where we have yunch. But none of the tables are here now. And that's where we go get our yunch."
"Today was a turkey and cheese sandwich, and I don't yike cheese. The gween apple was good though. (pause) Weally, weally good."
Wyatt loved his first day. He was very happy and liked all the things they did. Some things he reported:
"The kids in my cwass aren't as loud as the kids in pweschool."
"You know when we were waiting to go in the school this morning? I felt yike I was going to throw up."
"My favowite thing was making an apple with a worm in it!"
Wyatt's second day of Kindergarten was a success. He reported:
"I didn't know where my teacher went while we ate yunch, but today she told us - she goes to her OFFICE to WORK!" (with amazed expression on his face)
"There's a yittle boy who cwies every day at recess." :(
"A boy got put in time out today for saying 'shhhh' to the teacher."
"Ryan had a bar (granola) in his yunch! I want a bar!"
"I ate all my cookies at recess today. I just held on to the wrapper until we went back inside."
"We went to Spanish cwass today and yearned some Spanish words!" Me: "What did you learn?" Wyatt: "I don't wemember!"
Third day of Kindergarten report:
"All the kids run around on the pwayground but I just walk. I am not going to pway until they get the slide." (The playground equipment is on order.)
"I went to art cwass today, but the teacher took my art. *sigh* I yiked my art."
He wouldn't say much today, so that's all I've got. :)
4th day of Kindergarten report:
"We did a pwoject today, but she hung them on the wall, so we can't take them home for a few other days. But it was a patt-ren! It went gween-owange-gween-owange!"
"I went to music today. He singed, and we singed with him!"
"I made a paper. I cut it and put animals on it! You will yike it!"
"Mommy" (pointing in the gym) "This is where we have yunch. But none of the tables are here now. And that's where we go get our yunch."
"Today was a turkey and cheese sandwich, and I don't yike cheese. The gween apple was good though. (pause) Weally, weally good."
5th day of Kindy report:
"We were in the gym and my teacher said 'walk on the bwack line! If you fall off, the cwododiles will get you!" (giggling)
(in PE) "He said 'Do what I do' and we had to jog, and walk yike a bear, and walk backwards! Then we had to get a partner. My partner was Riley."
(Showing me his King Midas project) "The king was counting his money and he said 'I need more money!' so a...
"We were in the gym and my teacher said 'walk on the bwack line! If you fall off, the cwododiles will get you!" (giggling)
(in PE) "He said 'Do what I do' and we had to jog, and walk yike a bear, and walk backwards! Then we had to get a partner. My partner was Riley."
(Showing me his King Midas project) "The king was counting his money and he said 'I need more money!' so a...
stwanger came and the king touched his shoe and it turned into GOLD. Then he hugged his daughter and she turned into gold! Then the stwanger came back and turned her back and nofing turned into gold anymore."
"I went outside with the other kids to wait for the mommies and daddies. And Daddy was on the sidewalk but she (teacher) said 'Don't run off!', but I fink she just meant don't go in the stweet."
"I went outside with the other kids to wait for the mommies and daddies. And Daddy was on the sidewalk but she (teacher) said 'Don't run off!', but I fink she just meant don't go in the stweet."
Thursday, August 16, 2012
An email from Wyatt's teacher
An email from Wyatt's teacher: "Wyatt is doing good in school. He follows directions and is well liked by his classmates. A few of the girls told me today they thought he was cute. I told them I thought so too. :) I enjoy having Wyatt in my class!!"
Monday, August 13, 2012
First day of Kindergarten
Wyatt's first day of Kindergarten, August 13, 2012
Walking into the gate |
Waiting for school to begin |
Ms. Cuccia walks the class into the school. There are actually 20 kids in his class but they weren't all there yet. |
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Darn those cats
Wyatt: "I want to play this game."
Me: "We can't because the internet is broken."
Wyatt: (sigh) "Maybe a cat got in there and messed it up."
Me: "We can't because the internet is broken."
Wyatt: (sigh) "Maybe a cat got in there and messed it up."
Dig it!
We were watching a show where the characters were digging tunnels.
Wyatt: "I would use Saturn to dig."
Me: "HUH? I don't think you could dig with a planet!"
Wyatt: "Yuh-huh... I could use the rings!"
Wyatt: "I would use Saturn to dig."
Me: "HUH? I don't think you could dig with a planet!"
Wyatt: "Yuh-huh... I could use the rings!"
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Infinity people
Me: "There's a 40% chance of rain."
Wyatt: "Does that mean there are gonna be 40 drops?"
Me: "Hey Wyatt, when we go to Texas, Uncle Roger is gonna take us fishing. He has a white boat."
Wyatt: "A white boat? Not even red? That's so boring!!!"
Me: "♪ ♫ You know I can't smile without you ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ I can't smile without you ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ I can't laugh and I can't sing -"
Wyatt: "STOP!"
Me: "What?"
Wyatt: "You said you can't sing, so stop!"
Me, walking into a huge crowd of people: "Wow, there are a lot of people here."
Wyatt, looking around: "Yeah. I fink there are infinity people here."
Wyatt: "Does that mean there are gonna be 40 drops?"
Me: "Hey Wyatt, when we go to Texas, Uncle Roger is gonna take us fishing. He has a white boat."
Wyatt: "A white boat? Not even red? That's so boring!!!"
Me: "♪ ♫ You know I can't smile without you ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ I can't smile without you ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ I can't laugh and I can't sing -"
Wyatt: "STOP!"
Me: "What?"
Wyatt: "You said you can't sing, so stop!"
Me, walking into a huge crowd of people: "Wow, there are a lot of people here."
Wyatt, looking around: "Yeah. I fink there are infinity people here."
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