Mama (now an official word, not just a string of mamamamamma, and he says it SOOOOO cute!
Daisy (our dog)
Diamond (our cat)
Mamm-mamm (Grammy)
Mick (his cousin)
Ewwwwwww (so cute!)
Pee-eew (complete with waving arm stinky face)
Up (off and up still two of the favorite words)
Push (wants to be pushed on the swing)
Down (finally says it right but still doesn't really get the concept - says "Up" to get down)
More (Mah)
Eeee--ooowwwwwww (said whenever one of the cats meow)
Woof woof
Quack (cak)
Tickle tickle (doesn't say it often, but when he does, it's cute!)
Clip clip clip (because that's what I sing when I clip his nails)
Stir Stir Stir (tur tur tur)
Ball (ba)
Ouch (complete with rapid breathing sound you'd make when you are hurt)
Boob (
Pa-pa (not sure what it means, perhaps Grandpa??? He says it a lot but can't figure what it is related to)
"Ohhmm" (eating sound, complete with hand to mouth like fake-eating)
"nana" (banana - said today, although he doesn't usually like them)
Cook (ck! without vowels)
That's all I can think of although I am sure there are more. He is getting to where he copies all kind of noises - trucks, planes, sprinklers, tearing paper, telephones, wind noise, ringtones and beeps, car honks (that's another word - HONK!)
He is soo sweet and makes me so happy. No matter what else comes, I am so lucky to be his Mama.
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