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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Up, up!

Tonight we were playing this exhausting game where he was sitting in his swing, and I kept bringing him this little golf ball we play with. He would then throw it and I would say "Uhoh!" and make a big fuss over clamoring to get it back, knocking into his swing and falling over while I did it. He was laughing so hard, he could barely breathe. After a while, I was very tired and said "We have to go in." He shook his head NO NO NO NO emphatically. I said "Ok, we will do it a couple more times, and then we're going in, ok?" (Nod, nod, nod)

So after a few more throws, I said "Ok, this is the last time, then we are going in." (Nod nod nod)

One more throw, one more pick up, then I went to him and said "Up, up" and he just put his arms in the air so I could lift him, no fussing at all! I thought this was amazing, because he didn't want to stop, but he just understood that we were done. Wow.

Another thing he did today was take one of my niece's Flaming Hot Cheetos. We told him, no, it's hot. But he insisted. Once he had it though, he just held it and kept looking at me like he was scared. I said "Wyatt." and he looked up. "Just do this." and I stuck out the tip of my tongue and pulled my fingers to it as if touching the Cheeto to my tongue. I didn't expect him to "get" what I was saying, but he followed my instructions perfectly. He touched the Cheeto to his tongue, stood there contemplating whether he liked the taste, then promptly ate the Cheeto. LOL

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