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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

In the hospital

It has been an interesting few days here to say the least.

Friday night/Saturday morning around 2AM, my blood pressure went up to 208/118. Doug was in Flagstaff getting ready for the appraisal. I tried lying down to rest and was having chest pains plus my bp didn't go down like it usually does when I lie down.

So I called Doug and told him I was going to the hospital. He stayed on the phone with me while I drove over there.

At the hospital, I started feeling stupid and was wondering what I was doing there. One of the nurses found my chart from my previous visit and basically shook her head and said my bp was fine last time I was there.

But the labs came back showing that my liver enzymes were high and that I was getting preeclampsia.

So they did a lot of heart/lung tests to rule out any cardiac problems since I was having chest pains. Those all came back ok.

The next step was getting to a better hospital. They loaded me up on the helicopter and flew me to one of the downtown hospitals that has a good high-risk center and NICU.

More tests, more tests, and more tests, they then confirm that my 24-hour urine is really high and I am preeclamptic. At this point they told me that I will be in the hospital until I deliver, which they are trying to hold off as long as my tests come back acceptable.

Saturday was ok, but on Sunday I started having really bad reactions to the magnesium sulfate they put me on to prevent seizures. I got all weepy and weird and lethargic and didn't feel like myself. Doug had to go back to Flagstaff to pick up his dad who he had left there to get some work done while he came back to be with me.

Then Monday night was the worst. Doug had to go to Flagstaff because the appraiser would be there Tuesday morning, and the hospital moved me to a new room. I started having a full-out-panic-anxiety attack. I still don't know if it was from the magnesium sulfate or from sleep deprivation or what, but I was hallucinating and freaking out. Even worse, being alone, I had nobody to tell the new nurses that NO I am not normally like that. I couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep, and it was horrible. The doctor confirmed that I had some crackling in my lungs and gave me some meds, then the nurse gave me some finnegran(sp???) which would also help me sleep. That was weird - I went from panic to falling asleep - I literally felt like I was put under anesthesia and fell asleep.

I slept all day today, and only now do I SORTA feel like myself again. I am still out of it and sleepy but at least I feel in control of my emotions. Doug is here with me now which makes things so much easier. So now we just wait and see how long I can go before I deliver.

I hope this entry even makes SENSE. I am so not me.


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