I just like to do this every once in a while to record memories.
Dees = Daisy the dog
Meemee = Grammy
Puh-puh = purple (the first color he learned! He now also says "onge" (orange) but still won't say easy ones like blue and red.
Meen-it = Blanket
Nan-neet = Cat treats
Li li li li li - Light. No idea why he says it a bunch of times.
Weet! Weet! = Cream of Wheat
Sucka!!!!! (said with gravelly gusto!) = lollipop
Mip = Milk
Awwww-bum! = awesome
Moke = smoke, which he is obsessed with. Water mist, clouds, car tailpipes are all "moke".
Pop! = The Very Hungry Caterpillar book
Butt-butt = butt. No idea why this is a two-part word. He likes to point out butts on cats, dogs, and people though.
Peeeee-EWWWW! = when something smells. As in (sniffing blanket) "Peee-ewww! Wash! Wash!" (putting it in laundry basket)
Oof! Oof! = sees a dog
Pssssssssssssssssssssssss (brake noise) = sees a bus
Whhhhhhhhhhhhhh = hears air conditioning noise
He's big on sound effects and copies whistles.
Gas = any type of tank or cover to underground gas, water, electric, etc.
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