That is supposed to be my "The Count" impression. Our RE, Dr. Patel, laughs just like The Count. So when DH and I were waiting in the consultation room today, I did my counting-of-embryos impersonation and made DH laugh. :D
We also found a hideous troll-baby photo in a magazine in the waiting room. It is a pic of a baby but someone distorted all the features so it looks like a creepy mutant. DH and I are going to use the picture and make up a card thanking the RE office for their help in giving us our child. Then we are going to secretly post it on their bulletin board with all the adorable baby announcements. Hehehehe...
It was a good visit. Dr. Patel is pretty confident about the FET. The plan is to thaw three 1-day embies, with the goal of putting 2 back. We had a discussion about what to do with the third - if it grows, we'll either re-freeze or put back a 3rd embie. No discarding.
So far, so good. I start my Estrace tomorrow and go down to 10 units of Lupron. Still on track for ET on the 10th!
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