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Friday, August 18, 2006

RE consultation after failed cycle

We just got back from the RE's office. Basically good news I suppose. He seems pretty confident there is no reason I shouldn't be able to get pg - he just said that sometimes an embryo seems "excellent" but they just aren't strong enough to implant, and that it doesn't mean the next cycle won't work.

We have nine frozen embies. I wish I had gotten a copy of the report he showed us, but it seems that they are all pretty good quality. Some are three day embies and most are one day embies, ready to grow once thawed.

The embryologist recommendation is to thaw three for the frozen cycle, which of course is good news since in theory it leaves us SIX for sibling cycles or in case this one doesn't work. (Don't think that!)

So now we just have to wait. I am currently experiencing the joy of AF and once that is over, I have to wait for her next visit then start the calendar again. I think this cycle is going to be harder on me because I am not going in with all the hope I had last time. But I have to remind myself that LOTS of ladies have failed fresh cycles and successful FETs.

So here's to the next round. Hopefully it is the one for us.


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