"Hello, my little speckled!"
I guess she likes his freckles. LOL
Wyatt: "I'm glad I don't have an elf, because if I woke up and saw an elf on my shelf, I would scream!"
Me: "Hahahah... well, it isn't like an elf could hurt you though."
Wyatt: ((thinking)) "Yeah. He could watch you sleep, and when you open your mouth in your sleep, he could jump down your throat and pull out your lungs."
Me: (((EEK)))
Later:So this morning, I go into his room to wake him up for school. He opens his eyes and, without moving the rest of his head/body, starts moving his eyes all around. I asked "What are you doing?!" and he says "Looking for an elf." I said "I thought you didn't want an elf; that it would make you scream." He said "I changed my mind." LOL
Also - someone told him that you can't touch the elf because it makes the elf lose all its magic (not sure if this is "official" Elf on a Shelf legend or just something some parent in his class made up.) Anyway, after he said he wanted one, he whined and said "I really want to touch it though!!!!!!"
Wyatt: "What day is Christmas?"
Me: "December 25th."
Wyatt: "No, is it on Monday, Tuesday...?"
Me: "It's on a Wednesday."
Wyatt, whining and thrashing around: "Awwwwwwww!!! That means I won't have much time to play with my toys because I have to go to school!!!!!!"
Me: "Wyatt, I have some good news for you..."
Wyatt: "Hey, Mom. Whatcha watching?"
Me: "Dr. Oz."
Wyatt, staring at the TV: "Oh."
(long pause)
Wyatt: "Is he a wizard?"
Wyatt, after I mis-heard a couple of things: "Mommy, you sure are having a lot of 'maginations."
Wyatt: "Mom, there's something weird."
Me: "What's weird?"
Wyatt: "Every time I see Santa, he looks...different."
Me: "That IS weird. Why do you think that is?"
Wyatt: "I just think I am not remembering right."
Wyatt: "I want to play footer."
Me: "What?"
Wyatt: "Footer. It's like soccer, but we don't have socks on, so it's just footer."
Me: "Are you waiting for cotton candy? I thought you didn't like it."
Wyatt: "I don't. ..I'm getting it for you."
Awwwwwww. ♡

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