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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stample of Poop

Me: "Daddy and I tried to have a baby for a loooong time."
Wyatt: "Did you have one?"
Me: (LOL) "Yes!"
Wyatt: "Well, where is it?"
Me (grabbing him): "Right here!"
Wyatt: "I am not a baby!!"
Me: "No matter how big you get, you'll always be my baby." ♥
Wyatt and I play this game where I say "You're a (insert random word here)" and he does it back, and we just go back and forth thinking of funny things to be. Well we were playing tonight and he said:
"You're a stample of poop."
Me: "WHAT?"
Wyatt: "A stample of poop. Like at Sam's Cwub."
Me: "Ohhhhh - a SAMPLE."
Wyatt: "Yeah, a sample. Does it taste good? Do you wike it?"
Me: "A sample of POOP? No, I will pass on that." LOL
Love that when I say "SO?", Wyatt answers "Sew buttons on ice cubes!" He is truly my boy. :D  (and if I say "Sew buttons on ice cubes" he responds with "Sew buttons on your underwear!" - another thing I say. :)
Wyatt, falling asleep, in a sweet voice: "Mama."
Me: "What, sweetie."
Wyatt: "Nufing. I just wuv you."
I was sprinkling plant food around the plants.
Wyatt: "What is that stuff?"
Me: "Plant food."
Wyatt: "Why don't you just feed the pwants chicken nuggets?"
Me: "Well, plants don't have mouths. They absorb food from their roots. So I have to sprinkle plant food on the ground."
Wyatt: "Well... why don't you just spwinkle chicken nuggets on the ground?"
Wyatt and I were watering all the plants in the backyard.
He asked me what setting the sprayer was on - "Is that one JET?"
"No, this one is called Stream."
"Oh..." He thought for a moment. "I fink that would be a good name for a person too."
"What... STREAM?"
We were reading Goodnight Gorilla tonight. Wyatt said "This is a weally short book." "Yes, it is" I agreed. Then he said "WAAAAAAAAME!" (lame) Just the way he said it cracked me up.
I told Wyatt this morning "It's time to wake up and go to school." He lifted his leg in the air, shook it back and forth and said "Foot says no." I LOLd.
We were at Wendy's, and were talking about Wendy and Dave Thomas (the founder of Wendy's). I said "But now Dave is dead." Wyatt pondered for a moment and asked "Who squished him?" Apparently he associates death with roadkill. LOL.
Me: "Goodnight, Wyatt."
Wyatt: "Wait! I want a hug. NO! Twenty hugs!... NO! Twenty-fousand-eight-hundwed-and-SEVEN... that's a wot of hugs, huh?"
Wyatt and I were looking at the lobsters in the tank at Red Lobster. "Can we get one out?" he asked. "What would you do with it?" He thought for a moment and replied "Eat it. Or pet it. Or put it in my room."
Me, showing Wyatt an English muffin: "See? It has nooks and crannies!"
Wyatt: "Daddy!!! It has look at grannies!!!!"
I was talking to Wyatt about his day at school, and he actually SANG A SONG to me! He never sings, but he sang me a song about "three speckled fwogs sitting on a halloween (hollow log) eating dewicious fwies! YUM YUM YUM!"

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