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Sunday, July 31, 2011

When I was a baby

Wyatt and I were lying in his bed, in those last few moments before he falls asleep.

Then he said "Mommy..."

Me: "What?"

Wyatt: "What did I do when I was a baby?"
Me: "Well, when you were a tiny baby, you didn't do much except cry and sleep a lot. You used to sleep on me and Daddy. And I used to tickle you and make you smile."

Wyatt: "Did that make me stop crying?"

Me: "Yes. I used to tickle you. And rub your ear. And sing to you."

Wyatt: "What else made me stop cwying?"

Me: "You used to like Smiley the star a lot."

Wyatt: "Where is he?"
Me: "Up with your stuffed animals. You want me to get him?"

Wyatt: "Yeh..."

So I pulled Smiley down and told Wyatt how I used to attach Smiley to his car seat and to his swing and Wyatt used to just watch and smile.

And we turned Smiley on, and Wyatt just watched and smiled. :)

I had tears falling down my cheeks, remembering my baby as a baby, and how much he's grown, and knowing he's going to keep growing and one day he won't want me lying in his bed with him before he falls to sleep at all. That simultaneously breaks my heart and makes me want to hold onto every moment.... I love him more than anything.


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