Then I sing to him. I sing the same songs every night. Then if he still doesn't want to sleep, I'll sing him the lullaby song ("Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little Wyatt. Mommy loves you, yes she does, but you need to go to sleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little Wyatt... go to sleep, go to sleep, little Wyatt please sleep." )
So we did our thing tonight, and I sang his regular songs (not the lullabye one). He was rolling around a little, and suddenly he sat up, and plopped back down on my arm with sleepy eyes. He started making his "I want something" uh-uh-uh noise.
I said "What? Do you want me to sing?"
(I laughed.) "Ok. What do you want me to sing? Oh this?"... and I started the go to sleep song. He nodded really hard, then immediately fell asleep. I melted and kept laughing while I was singing. He is so sweet.
He has been so much fun lately. We bought a swingset yesterday, and that is ALL he wants to do. He really likes swinging, and can sit in a swing for 30 minutes straight without wanting down.
He is running everywhere. And getting better and better at communicating. He always points to motorcycles and big rigs. He always points to US flags (still!) He has an amazing attention span and an even better memory. It is IMPOSSIBLE to redirect him if there is something he really wants to do. But I love that about him!
He thinks toots and burps are hilarious. And if you say "Are you trying to toot?", he will grunt and push!!!
He is obsessed with the little pull-down clothes hanger thing in the car. He likes for me to pull it down then up, and when he is getting out of his car seat, he always wants to do it before I remove him from the car.
He still likes the vacuum, along with brooms, mops, leaf blowers, and anything that makes noise. He copies the noise too... it's funny!
That's all for now. Just wanted to blog some of what is going on so I can remember later.
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