I posted this in the forward-facing carseat thread, but the other day, he pointed at a motorcycle and said "ss-er-cy-ca". When I looked at what he was pointing at, it was OBVIOUS he was saying motorcycle.
Then last night in his bath, one of the cats made a loud noise in the other room, and he whipped his head around and said "WHAT?!" It was so funny.
Then today at storytime, he kept trying to crawl on the little stage to get the bubbles for the end of the storytime. I said "What are you trying to get?" And he said "Bubba!"
Lastly, tonight I sat on the edge of the tub with him on my lap to get him undressed for his bath. I instructed him "Up! Up! Up!" so he'd put his arms up so I could take his shirt off. After his was off, he grabbed my shirt and said "Up! Up! Up!" LOL... I said "Do you want me to take a bath with you?" (which I never do) and he made his "uh! uh!" yes-noise. So I hopped in there with him. How could I say no?
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