Welcome to my world...


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So many things happening at once!

My OB was back in the office today. He is transferring me to a perinatologist. My blood pressure is still really high, even taking the meds. From what he is saying, I may end up delivering even earlier than 37w. He really scared me today, saying that the BABY is at high risk and that the baby could die!!!!

I have been lying down doing nothing all day. Keeping my baby safe is by far the most important thing.

So now I am really scared and can't even think that after all I've been through to get here, I *STILL* may end up getting more bad news. Really - it's been enough. I just want a healthy happy baby.

We are still talking about moving to our new place before the baby gets here, although now it would be a "grab the things we use and we'll come back for the rest later" type move. We found a perinatologist in Flagstaff and I am pre-registered at the hospital there, so it is just a big juggling act day-by-day seeing what will happen.

I can't believe I had a perfectly happy pregnancy and was walking around beaming just a couple short weeks ago, and now I am basically fighting for myself and Wyatt.

Anyway, enough ranting. I'll go back to the couch and keep my feet up.


Monday, May 21, 2007

The good news is I don't have pre-eclampsia...

... the bad news is I do have gestational diabetes. I failed my 3-hour and had to go pick up supplies to test myself.

Also got meds for my high blood pressure, which was 170/116 at the OB office.

The plan now is to get me to 37 weeks before inducing. OB said that going to 40 weeks is unlikely with all my problems.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Did 3-hour glucose and have follow-up Monday

Then after the ultrasound appointment, I got to lie on an oh-so-comfy bed in the doctor's office for 3 hours. Hopefully this glucose test comes back ok.

My blood pressure was 148/93. I have to go back on Monday afternoon to get checked again and the nurse told me to expect the doctor to put me on bed rest. I guess I will start working from home earlier than expected!

Keeping my job is going to be the challenging part of this. I have sooo much to do before taking off for maternity leave.


3d/4d ultrasound

Well, we did it! Little Wyatt didn't cooperate too well. First, his cord was over his face blurring the image, then when she got him to move, he complied by moving his fists over his face. :)

Still, the pics are cute! Each is followed by its "map".








Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ended up in the hospital today... and failed 1-hour glucose

My blood pressure was still really high this morning so the OB sent me to the hospital. They had me lie on my left side and it slowly went down. It is showing a little protein in the urine, so I am doing a 24 hour urine collection. Also my 1-hour glucose yesterday was 188, so I am doing the 3-hour tomorrow.

They put me on bed rest and I have to be off work at least until I see my OB Monday or Tuesday.


Well, at least the baby is doing well as his mama falls apart. :D

He HATED the monitor being over him and kept kicking it. It was cool because his kicks were really loud.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bought a blood pressure monitor and...

... my blood pressure is now 155/100! It was 163/105 but has gone down a little after lying down for 30 minutes.

I am going to take a bath and an aspirin and see if I can lower it until the morning when I can call my ob.

If not, I may end up taking a trip to the ER tonight.

I am really freaking out (which probably isn't helping the bp).


Being checked for pre-eclampsia

I told my OB (well, his assistant who saw me today) about my swelling feet, so she took some extra blood to check me for pre-eclampsia. I should know something by Friday. My blood pressure was high - 142/90. So hopefully it is something I can treat easily. I'll wait to hear back.

I also did my one-hour glucose test today. Man is that stuff nasty!

The good news is that the baby is still fine. His heart rate is 152 and he was trying to escape the doppler. :D

28 weeks today. Woohoo. We're getting there, baby.


Monday, May 14, 2007

My feet look like water balloons!

I know swollen feet are common in pregnancy, but honestly this is the most annoying side effect yet. I'd go back to the morning sickness to get my normal feet back. :(

Is it getting to where by the end of the day, my ankles are stretched with "rolls"!

And they hurt.

And I am getting VERY VERY tired. It is hard for me to do even the simplest of tasks and it is frustrating to not have "control" over my body.

I will be 28w on Wednesday and while I am THRILLED to be pregnant and smile everytime I touch my belly, I am starting to understand the negative side of pregnancy.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Next year will be my first Mother's Day...

...and I will be 40! WOW. I never expected to be that old before being a mommy.

Ah well, at least I will be one. I feel very lucky and blessed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Another weird dream

This time, I have to take my boss to the airport because he is going to France. (He's going on vacation to France in real life too, but I don't have to take him anywhere :) ).

There are no good flights leaving from Phoenix, so he tells me he is leaving from Las Vegas. We start driving and he says that the Vegas flight doesn't work, so we have to drive to... Virginia! And we have to be there by 10PM. I am driving as fast as I can and am really stressed out. I have him looking all over for closer flights as we rush to Virginia, knowing that there is no way to get from Phoenix to Virginia in less than a day.



Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Weird dreams!

I would blame pregnancy, but I have always had odd dreams.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a very sweet dream where I was in the hospital bed, and someone laid my naked baby down on my chest. He was staring at me and I just smiled and said "Hi there." It was so realistic, and I could feel his skin, smell his smell, and feel his warmth.

Then a couple nights ago, I dreamed that he was telling me that he wanted to wear "big boy underwear" and he was walking around. I asked my mom how old he was and she said "Seven days".  !!!! Eeek!

Last night, I dreamed that my dad brought a tupperware container of iridescent blue butterflies for everyone to snack on. When he opened the lid, of course some of the butterflies started flying around, so I was shooing them outside so they wouldn't get eaten. Everyone else was happily munching butterflies!
