Welcome to my world...


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Who's that in the bushes? Oh, it is just Captain America!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Doing time

"This morning on the drive to school...
Wyatt: "In jail, they let the guys have fun."
Me: "I don't think jail is fun! What's fun?"
Wyatt: "Well, they let them SWEEP, and that's kinda fun."

Sunday, October 21, 2012


"Me: "Aidan, are you gonna be a Daddy when you grow up?"
Aidan: "No... I'm gonna be Batman."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Gross Jellybean

"Was just at the mall with Doug, Olga, Wyatt, and my nephew Aidan. On the way out, the guy at Dillards gave us some Jelly Belly jellybeans. So we got in the car, and the boys kept trying the different flavors.

Wyatt says from his car seat "Ugh! This one is gross!"

So I say "Just swallow it really quick..."

So he does. Then... countdown... 3, 2, 1...


All over Doug's brand new car!

And we were cracking up laughing, and Doug was mad. And it was sooooo funny!

Could have been on a sitcom. :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Spelling lesson

"Wyatt: "Mom, can I play the DS? Hey - I know how to spell DS!"


Thursday, October 11, 2012

First report card

"Wyatt got his first report card today. He got all Satisfactory, except a Needs Improvement in holding his pencil, and a Developing in being able to write all his upper and lower case letters.

He's excelling in math - doing 1st grade math with a group of kids in his class who are too advanced for the Kindy math. And of course, he knows all his shapes/colors (and has for a few years).

He got an Excelling in PE. (LOL).

The note from his teacher is nice too. I don't have it in front of me but it talks about how Wyatt is always respectful, works hard, and is a joy to have in her class. She says in the 43 days he has been in Kindy, he has come really far. I am proud of him!"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life after surgery

So on September 10, I had surgery. Not just ANY surgery, but a BIG surgery.

Total hysterectomy
Lysis of adhesions
And - tummy tuck

I have been at home healing since. Dealing with hot flashes and sweating. Feeling cooped up and too reliant on hubby to do anything that requires outside-of-the-home driving. Dealing with complete and total exhaustion.

I have been going to bed around 10PM every night and waking up at 7AM, and STILL taking a nap on most days.

I am tired of being tired.

And I am full of swelling and fluid. My belly is tight and uncomfortable.

Still - this IS the first time in my adult life I have had a flat tummy.

So there's that.

Today was an interesting day. I decided to try a yoga program I had recorded on the DVR. I couldn't do all the poses. Basically, anything that required abdominal muscles was off-limits. But I stretched and twisted and breathed, and you know what?

I feel pretty good right now.

My tummy still hurts, but I feel like I am breathing more deeply, and I feel centered, and well, this is the best I have felt in the past 4 weeks anyway.

So I am looking forward to continuing to work out and get into shape.

Red face

"Me: "Wyatt, your face is all red! Did you get a sunburn?"
Wyatt: "No, I'm having a hot flash."

LOL - oh dear, I guess I am rubbing off on him. LOL"