We were reading a book called "Little Critter's Day". The main character is this especially sloppy little monster-boy, and on one of the pages, he is helping his little sister with her dinner, covered in whatever she's eating.
Me: "Oh my! I never noticed before but he has it on his EYEBALL!"
Wyatt: "Is it Cream of Wheat?"
Me: "It looks like Cream of Wheat."
Wyatt: "I fink it oatmeal."
Me: "Well, whether it is Cream of Wheat or oatmeal, I wouldn't want it on my eyeball!"
Wyatt: "Or a french fry. Dat would kinda suck."
!!!!! (LOLOLOLOL!!!!)
(Yeh, that's probably something I say. Bad mama.)
Me: "Oh my! I never noticed before but he has it on his EYEBALL!"
Wyatt: "Is it Cream of Wheat?"
Me: "It looks like Cream of Wheat."
Wyatt: "I fink it oatmeal."
Me: "Well, whether it is Cream of Wheat or oatmeal, I wouldn't want it on my eyeball!"
Wyatt: "Or a french fry. Dat would kinda suck."
!!!!! (LOLOLOLOL!!!!)
(Yeh, that's probably something I say. Bad mama.)