He was saying he wanted to do something this morning (don't remember what) and I said no. He looks at me with this intense stare and says "Are you arguing with me, Mommy?"
I cracked up!
He is also being cute, saying things like "I a skunk" and making a spraying motion with his hand while making the noise.
He is making a gun out of his hand and saying "Shoot! Shoot! I shoot that cactus, Mommy!"
When he gets frustrated, he says "I hit you Mommy!" and I say "Do you want me to hit you too?" He says "No." and I say "Then don't hit me. It hurts." Sometimes, he'll run up and hug me then and say cute things like "I no hurt you mama."
He's been calling me "Mommy-O." ???? LOL.
He is OBSESSED with car washes. I don't get it and have never seen another child just obsessed with something to this degree. Here's what it is like driving down the road with him:
"That station have a car wash?"
"No, that's a QT. They don't have car washes."
"No, it does. It does."
"It doesn't have a car wash."
"Oh. That station have a car wash?"
"You know it does, Wyatt. We have used that car wash before."
"It open?"
"Yes, it's open."
"It red?"
"Yes, I think that one is red."
"Where the nice car wash?" (the "nice" one is the one where you get out of the car and watch it go through - he doesn't like being IN the car wash)
"It's at 51st and Bell."
"Oh.... It open?"
"No, it closes at 6."
"Inside open?"
"The store?"
"Yeh. Yes."
"Yes, the store is open."
"Where blue car wash?"
"The one at the Chevron?"
"Yes. It open?"
"Yes, it is open until 8."
"Oh. I wan go in it."
"You want to go in the car wash?"
"Ok, let's go."
"NO!! No car wash! Car go in car wash. Not us. Not us."
"There a car wash that way?"
"Yes, there's car washes everywhere."
"It have brushes?"
"Some of them have brushes."
This is the conversation the ENTIRE time we are in the car. I am tired just typing it. LOL.
Then when we get home, he wants to watch car wash videos. On YouTube, they have videos of car washes. I don't know why. I don't mean funny videos (although they have those too). I mean, just 9 minutes of a car being washed at a car wash. Wyatt will sit still watching them for an hour. Then will cry when I tell him that's enough.
At my mom's, they do Google Image searches for car washes and he looks at pictures of car washes.
Last night, he called "Mommy! Mommy!" from his bed. I ran in there and he said "The blue car wash." I asked if he had a dream about a car wash and he said yes. Then he fell back asleep and was doing those adorable sleep smiles, and one giggle. I guess it was a good car wash dream. ???
I try keeping him focused on basketball, toys, even tv. And he'll do other things. But he is currently VERY out-of-balance toward car washes. I don't get it.